Pre Battle drama

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I sigh turning over slightly and open my eyes to see it's now day outside.

I look over and see it's only Bella and I in the tent.

"Bella." I say lightly but she doesn't move.

I sigh "Bella!" I say louder while shaking her and she wakes up looking to me. "Is it morning Y/n?" She asks.

I nod "Yea." She looks around than back to me "Where do you think everyone is?" She asks.

I look around and say "Jake and Seth are probably in wolf form patrolling or something and Edward who knows." She nods and helps me up as we climb out of the tent and see the snow now sticking to the ground.

I smile seeing how beautiful it is. If we weren't in danger and an army of vampires weren't trying to kill us, I'd probably enjoy this much more.

Bella and I turn hearing foot steps and see Seth.

I smile as he comes right up to me in wolf form.

I hug him and rub my fingers through his fur saying "Morning Seth." I hear a type of purr in response as he leaned into my touch.

Bella comes up to us and smiles saying "Hey Seth."

He looks to her and nods his head saying hello.

Edward than walks up. He came to us and pulled Bella close giving her a kiss and turns to me. "Good morning Bella, Y/n." I nod and say morning while Bella says "Where's Jacob?"

"Did he already..." But Edward cur her off "Yes. He's checking to see if the woods are clear before he goes." I turn back to Seth as his ear goes up a bit and he looks to me rubbing my side before reluctantly running off must likely to Jake.

Bella sighs lightly saying "I'm really sorry about last night. It couldn't have been easy on you." He shakes his head with a light smile.

"Definitely won't make my list of top ten favorite evenings."

"You have a list?" She asks.

At this is sigh bored and walk off a bit to see the cliff nearby. I brush past some trees snow falling from them and see the edge.

I smile at the sight and sit down my feet dangling over while I breath in the cold air, my y/h/c hair blowing in the cold wind.

I turn hearing some rustling near by and see Jacob now in human form.

"Hey Y/n." He says.

"Hey Jake." I say back.

He walks over next to me and I say "Where's Seth?" He smiles and shakes his head "Ah don't worry lover boy is just finishing my patrol and shall be back before you know it." I blush at his comment and laugh saying thanks.

He nods and sits next to me. "I know you try to stay positive but.." he pauses before saying "How are you really feeling about this? I'm worried." I sigh looking down.

"I'm terrified." I admit with a light laugh.

"I know is should care more and trust me I do but with everyone else acting so down I need some way to get myself through this." I pause before continuing I'm so scared to lose someone today.

This is Bella and I's fault and here you all are risking your lives." My eyes get glossy at this and I speak again.

" I don't know what I'll do if I lost say you, Bella, The Cullens, the pack, or..."

I hesitate and say "Seth." Letting a single tear fall.

Jake pulls me close hugging me.

"You won't lose anyone, ok." He pauses and says "I promise we'll keep you and Bella safe no matter what along with each other on the field." I sigh and nod feeling better hugging him again.

Now and Forever (Twilight  Seth Clearwater x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now