Secrets revealed

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It's finally the end of the week and Bella is still wondering where Edward is, he missed school the whole week and according to Alice he is sick and needed him time but I'm having a hard time believing that.

Anyway, I've gotten a lot closer to the Cullens. There like my best friends and only people i talk to at school besides Angela and a few others.

Now that I hang around them a lot I noticed some things about them like their eye color, they never eat,   And more. So being me I decided to do some research along with Bella, I believe they are vampires and I know it sounds crazy but it just makes since.

Tomorrow at school I'm going ask them about it.

I hope I'm not just being crazy.

(Time skip to school)

"Hey Rose, still no Edward," I ask as I walked up the the group at lunch. " Oh no he should be back soon though."

"That's good. But I uh have something I wanted to talk to you all about." I said nervously.

They looked at me expectantly waiting for my question. As I was about to say the big question Alice  makes a small gasp and freezes. "Are you ok," I ask her.

"I'm I'm fine thank you but can we continue this conversation later I have to discuss something important with my siblings." She told them with a look.

"Oh yea sure uh I'll see you guys later I guess," I said and walked away.

(Alices pov) (ooo I know exciting)

After I knew Y/n was far enough away I began to tell the others what I saw," Y/n knows."

They look at me shocked.

" How?" Jasper asks.

"She figured it out paying attention to what we did. But I don't think this is a bad thing I mean Jasper you bonded with her that means we did too since we're a coven. She was bound to find out and be one of us eventually." I say to him.

"No I will not let her become one of us while I care very much for her, I don't want her to have this life even if it means we would be here long after she's gone," Rose says sadly.

"Rose I've seen it she will be one of us, it's all just a bit fuzzy but I've seen it." I tell her.

"Your visions aren't set and stone they change. This is just like our Bella situation." Rose says annoyed.

"The same goes for Bella she's Edwards blood singer and possible mate. We aren't getting rid of her easily epically Y/n. We need her just like she needs us," Emmett says.

"Look I don't know the future Alice and Rose but I know one that Y/n is family now and she's the only human I can stand to be around because her blood doesn't affect me due to the bond. We can't fight this trust me Y/n knows remember and we will tell her the truth and when she's ready to decide on whether or not to be like us will be there for her too okay." Jasper says Solemnly.

We all nod towards him accepting the inevitability of Y/n being with us vampire or not.

"The only thing we should be concerned about now is Bella. We have to be careful." Rose tells us.

We agree and go to look for Y/n to talk to her.

(Y/n's pov)

Im about to head into last period when I hear my name called," Y/n!" I turn the see Alice,Jasper, Rosalie,and Emmett. "Hey guys what's up," I tell them.

"Can we talk to you outside?" Jasper asks.

"What about class the tardy bell is about to ring?" I ask.

"It's fine, we plan on skipping and have something important to tell you," Alice says.

I nod and follow then to the woods behind the school.

"Ok so what's going on." I say.

They all look at each other nervously then back to me.

"You might want to sit for this," Jasper tells me.

After they explain everything to me I sit taking it all in. " So I was right your all vampires. But not the bad kind you feed off of animals and not people and you all bonded with me which is like an sudden attachment to a person. This means I care about you and you care about me some way somehow." I say restating it all out loud."

"Yep," Emmett says bluntly.

They all look worried at what I'll say next.

" You guys are awesome like wow this is all real your vampires and were connected by some type of weird supernatural shit!" I say excited never expecting anything like this to be real.

So your not scared or worried?" Jasper asks.

They all laugh at me my actions glad I'm not scared.

"Totally not but what does this mean for me?" I ask.

"We don't ever want to lose you but the only way to do that is be one of us, but we don't want you to give up your human life or family. You'd be leaving it all behind," Rose says sadly.

"Hey don't worry, we'll figure it all out eventually for now let's just be happy and live in the moment." I tell them and they all smile happy with my decision.

"Wait, what about Bella," I question.

" What do you mean," Alice asks.

"The whole Edward and her situation I'm not stupid," I tell them.

They then explain that to.

"So humans knowing about you puts you all in danger and us," I say.

" Yea but we will protect you." Jasper tells me.

"And Bella." He adds Sensing my worry for her.

"Ok, thank you." They nod and we all hear the bell ring and say our goodbyes.

"Well what a day," I say getting into the truck with Bella wondering what to expect from the future.

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