First Day ( part1)

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*Beep*Beep*Beep*. " agh," I hit the snooze on my alarm tiredly. I sit up an rub my eyes trying to wake up. Looking at the clock I can see I have thirty minutes to get ready so I get out of the bed. Once I reach the bathroom and open the door it's locked.

"Agh Bella hurry up I need to do my hair and get ready."

" Ok I'm almost done give me a minute," she told me. To pass time I go downstairs and see Dad making y/f/b(your favorite breakfast)

" Morning Y/n, I made your favorite thought it put you in a good mood to start your day."

" Thanks Dad, looks yummy ," I tell him and began stuffing my face. Getting up I go and put the plate in the sink and hear heavy footsteps running down the stairs.

" Well look who's finally done," I say sarcastically. "Sorry Y/n you can go now."

I race up the stairs and go in the bathroom and fix myself up and I decided to wear y/o/c ( your outfit choice). Once I did my last outfit check I go downstairs and Bella shouts from outside," Come on Y/n we have to go."

"I'm coming," I yelled back. I get into the car and turn on the radio to get comfortable already feeling my nerves take over.

( Time skip to school)

We pull up into the parking lot and I can tell people are already staring. " I hate being the new kid," I mumble annoyed. Bella looks at me reassuringly and puts a hand on my arm," You'll be okay, you have me." She knows how bad my nerves can be.

We hop out the car and hear someone say," Nice ride." Bella just responds with ," Thanks." And leads me inside.

We both are looking at our schedules comparing classes and trying to figure out where we need to be when we heard " Hey your Isabella and Y/n Swan the new girls, I'm Eric the eyes and the ears of this place. Um anything you need tour guide, lunch date, shoulder to cry on," he asks with a laugh.

"Uh were really more of the suffer in silence type of people," Bella told him.

" Good headline for the future, I'm on the paper and your news baby, front page,"he told us.

"Pleas don't," I told him nervously.

" Ok, no feature I get it, cool," he said to me.

The bell the rung and Bella looked at me sadly and said," See you in gym. You got this." "Thanks. You too," I told her.

I started walking to my first block which is AP History, fun fact I'm an honors student so I take basically the same classes as Bella.

I was so busy thinking I didn't notice I bumped into someone " I'm so sorry its my first day." I told them as I looked up and was met with honey gold eyes.
"It's okay, happens to us all." the blonde head boy told me with a county accent.

He looked uncomfortable not making eye contact wanting to just leave.

" Well uh see you later I guess I'm Y/n," I told him awkwardly. He finally made eye contact and looked shocked and confused.

"Your welcome my names Jasper Hale," he said with a slight smile. " So where are you heading," he asked.

"Oh uh Ap History,"I told him.

"Really that's my class I can show you if you like,and other classes," he told me.

" I'd like that, I just don't want to make you uncomfortable. You didn't look like you wanted to talk with anyone very much," I told him as we entered the class.

" I'm sorry about that I'm just not good with people, but you seem different," he said.

"I hope that's a good thing," I say to him.

"Trust me, it is," he says with a genuine smile.

I walk to the front while he goes to his seat. " Hi I'm new," I tell the teacher. " Ah yes your Y/n Swan, you can sit next to um Mr.Hale."

I smiled and looked towards him who already had his hand in the air showing me where he sat. We continued to talk in class and get to know each other. We started to do work together until class ended.

"Well I have to head to my next class see you later," I told him.

"You to Y/n."

I went to other classes which were boring except when I met a girl named Angela Weber, she was really nice and invited me to eat lunch with her and her friends. Then in art I met a girl named Alice, I loved her she was so kind and cheerful. I felt like she already knew me the way she talked to me. I asked if she was related to Jasper due to the eye color they shared.

She said no but they were actually together as in dating even though they were both adopted siblings which I thought didn't matter.

The next class is Gym which I have with Bella. "Y/n," Bella called from behind.

"Bella I'm so glad to see you today was so boring but I've made a few friends, I hope."

"Your having better luck then me," she said. We than got changed and went to play Volleyball.

We were in the middle of playing or at least I was ,Bella was trying to avoid the ball at all cost.

The ball came towards Bella and she hit it away and into the back of some poor boys head. " I'm so sorry. I told them not to let me play," she told him as he rubbed his head.

"No no no it's uh ok, your Isabella right."

" Ah Yea it's just Bella," she said.

" Oh well I'm Mike Newton." He told her shaking her hand.

Another girl came up to them and said," She's got a great spike huh." Wow she seems like an attention seeker.

Rude much.

"Hey your from Arizona right? I'm Jessica by the way," she told Bella. " Yea, me and my sister," she gestured towards me.

Figures she try to get the attention off her I thought and looked at her with a playful glare and walked towards them. "Hey I'm Y/n Swan,Bella's sister." They both nodded a hello.

"So aren't people from Arizona suppose to be tan," she asked Bella.

I thought she was being very rude, I think that's all she knows how to do.

"I guess that's why they kicked me out," Bella said.

"They both laughed although Jessica's seemed forced, like she was only laughing cause Mike was.

We than went back to the game. The time I've been waiting for has finally come, lunch.

I smiled considering I'm starving. " Let's see how this goes huh," I said to Bella. She nodded and we went to the cafeteria.

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