Small probelm

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It's the next day and I'm at the table eating y/f/b that Esme made at the table with Seth.

"No way!" I exclaim while laughing.

He takes the fork out of his mouth and laughs "Yes it's so true." I shake my head as we argue over the movie we saw last night, y/f/m.

I take another bite while Carlisle smiles at us and Emmett is reading the paper.

Suddenly we here the door open and I turn to see Edward and Bella walk in. "Wow. Done already?" Emmett asked putting his paper down.

I chuckle taking another bite and she says "Where's Renesmee?"

I motion towards the window and Jake says "Blonde stole her." While taking a bite of his food looking out the window protectively.

"Break a lot of stuff?" Emmett asks suddenly and I choke on my drink a bit not expecting it making Seth laugh loudly at both what he said and my reaction.

I wipe my face laughing loudly with him while Esme takes my now empty plates away and Bella looks slightly embarrassed.

"Did not need to hear that Em." I say with a smile.

He just winks and I glare at him playfully while Seth takes my hand as we sit together on the couch. The phone then rings catching all of our attention.

I frown now looking towards Bella, Seth notices my reaction and rubs my thigh soothingly.

"Is it Charlie?" She asks.

"He's been calling twice a day." Edward tells her.

"He's in pretty ruff shape. When I go home he's a wreck and worried to death about you. I don't know how much longer he'll just sit there doing nothing." I say sadly.

She looks to me sadly then back to the ringing phone. "Eventually we'll have to tell him you didn't make." Carlisle says solemnly.

I look down sadly as Edward says "He needs to mourn Bella." I know this will destroy him.

She looks down then back to us "Okay, we'll do it tomorrow." With a slight frown walking back to Edwards side.

"I'm really gonna miss this place." Emmett says standing up.

"We'll come back like we always do." Carlisle tells him.

Jacob quickly turned his head to him confused "Wait. Nobody said Anything about leaving."

"Once people believe Bella's dead we can't risk anyone seeing her." Carlisle tells him.

"So you just disappear." Jacob said looking to Bella hurt. "Jacob we don't have a choice." Edward told him.

"Well what about Y/n and Renesmee?" He asks motioning towards us.

I sigh and says"They don't have a choice and that means I'll stay here with Dad, Seth, and you. It's hard enough to lose one kid let alone two. I'll have forever with them so for now I want to be with Dad and the pack." I says solemnly with a hint of sadness.

Jacob looks sad no angry still and then leaves.

(3rd pov)

Jacob is on his motorcycle driving down a long road on his way to Charlie's.

He pulls up heading out towards the back finding Charlie there with an ax cutting up wood.

Charlie stops noticing him and says "Hey. You heard anything?" Jacob walks up to him and says "Charlie. Bella's......" He tried to finish the sentence but can't and stutters trying to find the right words.

Now and Forever (Twilight  Seth Clearwater x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now