Official couple.

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  I wake up to see Bella shaking me awake " Come on get up Edward is bringing us today." She says.

I groan then get up to start getting ready.

Apparently they are now official finally. I go outside and hop in his car " Hello Eddy."

He looks at me laughing. "N/n ." He says in a teasing tone.

I playfully glare at him," Well played."

We than drive to school.

We pull up and get out to see everyone is looking at us. I immediately get uncomfortable and I can tell Bella is to.

"You know everybody is staring," Bella says to us.

"Not that guy, no he just looked. Breaking all the rules now anyway. Since I'm going to hell." He said putting an arm around her.

I hit him," Don't say that." He looks at me

" Sorry."

I turn to see Rose glaring at them and Alice, Jasper, and Emmett looking at them tense. I sigh upset they don't like Bella and go to class.

I'm sitting by Jasper when he looks at me and says," Look I'm sorry about how we act around Bella it just makes us nervous and well you see I don't have good control around humans. I don't want to lose control or have her expose our secret."

"She wouldn't do that and you seem fine around me." I tell him.

"That's different, your my bond your blood doesn't affect me." I look down and nod.

"Alright just try to be nice and tell the others too. It would mean a lot." He nods and we get back to the lesson.

(Time skip at home)

I look out the window to see Edward at the door. I chuckle and think to him ," Have you lost your mind. Charlie will not be happy."

He looks up at me smiling and I think to him "Good luck. You'll need it." With a thumbs up.

I also learned from Bella she met the rest of the Cullens she said they were all okay with her except Rose.

I expected that, I don't know what her problem is.

I go downstairs in time to see Bella bring him in while Dads cleaning his shot gun. " Chief Swan. I wanted to formally introduce myself I'm Edward Cullen." He said sticking out his hand.

Dad shakes it and says " Hi, Edward."

"Bella and Y/n won't be out to late. We're gonna play baseball with my family."

" Baseball." Dad repeats in disbelief.

" Yes sir." Edward chuckles. " Bella's gonna play baseball. Well good luck with that."

" I'll take good care of them I promise." Edward tells him. We go to leave when Dad says," Hey. Still got that pepper spray." I laugh while Bella looks embarrassed.

Than we leave to go meet the others.

Now and Forever (Twilight  Seth Clearwater x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now