The arrival

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It's later a while later and we're all outside as it's snowing. Jake walks passed me and puts some logs down in a pit.

Benjamin who is next to me lights his finger on fire and Jacob gives him a look as if saying really that's it and then he lights his while hand up and throws it to the wood.

I smile and Benjamin laughs to as Jacob says "Now that's what I'm talking about." And sits. "Never underestimate us Jake." I say with a smirk.

Benjamin laughs saying "Yes we are quite surprising."  I then sit down him next to me.

Benjamin, Garrett and I have gotten really close since they've been here.

"Noted. Well a little pre battle bonfire, telling war stories." He says actually happy around them.

Then he looks up to everyone else "Or just standing there like statues." I laugh.

Garrett then speeds over to us using me as something to lean on and says "Name any American battle. I was there." He says with a grin.

I playfully shove him and he sits down on the other side of me next to Seth.

"Little big horn." Jacob say with a grin testing him. "I came this close to biting Custer but the Indians got him first." He says and I look to him intrigued

"Really?" I ask.

It's incredible to me how events we know so little about and we're so long ago and he was actually there.

He nods with a smile.

Kate then speeds over to us and sits on Garett's lap saying some battle I can't even pronounce. The others than soon join us telling there own stories and we listen intently.

It's a while later and now Vladimir And Stephan are telling us their story "When we ruled everything came to us prey, diplomats, favor seekers. That was our power. But we never put on white hats and called ourselves saints." Vladimir said. "We were honest about what we were. We sat still for a very long time. We didn't notice we were beginning to petrify. Perhaps the Volturi did us a favor when they burned our castles." Stephan adds.

I now see why they hate them so much and want more than anything to fight them.

"We've been waiting fifteen hundred years to return that favor." Vladimir says.

(3rd pov)

Edward and Carlisle were standing away from the others watching them. "I can't help thinking I've put all of us in danger all because I fell in love with a human." Edward suddenly tells him.

"You found your mate. You deserve to be happy." Carlisle says with a smile.

Edward shakes his head "But at what cost?"

"Everyone here has something to fight for. I certainly do." Carlisle tells him looking to his family lovingly as they all smile and laugh at the stories.

Edward then looks to Bella, Renesmee, Y/n and the rest of his family with a smile and says "Carlisle I've never thanked you."

Carlisle looks to him confused and then Edwards adds "For this extraordinary life."

They smile to each other and Carlisle pats his back in a fatherly manner and smiles back to his family.

Meanwhile in the tent with Bella and Renesmee Bella opens a locket showing her daughter.

It has a picture of Edward and herself in it and a quote written in French. Bella smiles saying "This means more than my own life. That's how much I love you."

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