The return

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I wake up to someone shaking my shoulder.

I groan and open my eyes to see Edward standing there with a smile.

"Edward. What are you doing here?" I ask looking at the clock Groggily seeing it's eight in the morning.

" I thought you'd want to be the first to know the others are back." He told me waiting for my reaction.

At first I didn't comprehend what he was telling me than suddenly it hit me and I leapt out of bed. "There back! As in everyone." I exclaim now wide awake.

Edward laughs and says " Yes, and they can't wait to see you again. Though they are worried you hate them." He says.

"I could never hate them, let's go." I say hurriedly going out the door, but I'm stopped by him saying "Whoa there. Don't you think you should get dressed." He tells me laughing.

I laugh to and push him out so I could quickly change. As I ran down the stairs and out to his car I began to feel very nervous yet extremely happy at the same time.

"Don't worry. Everything will be okay." Edward says reading my mind. "Just because your back doesn't mean you can be all in my head again." I joke which caused him to chuckle.

I look in the mirror as we drive taking In my appearance since I rushed, my y/e/c eyes seem to be much brighter and my y/h/c brighter as well. I'm just so excited. We pull up and I see the familiar house and rush to the steps but once I reach the door the memory of the day the left comes rushing in and I become nervous.

I look down at my right hand and see the small scars from me breaking the mirror and take in a shaky breath.

I jump feeling a cold hand on my shoulder " It's okay now, we are here. For good." He says to me.

I just nod and we go into the door. I look around seeing all of there stuff back like it was before and follow Edward to the living room.

As I turn the corner I see the faces I've been wanting to see for months. My eyes get glossy as I say "Your back." In a small voice.

They look to me nervous of my reaction. I say again louder and with clear joy "Your back!" And let tears fall.

They all smile to and rush to hug me.

I'm met with Carlisle and Esme first who both hug me tightly and kiss my forehead and say " We missed you so much and we are so sorry. We only wanted what's best for you, your like our daughter and we love you." Esme says happily hugging me again.

"Trust us when we say we'll never leave you again." Carlisle continues with a huge smile.

I move on to see Rose and Emmett.

Rose is first the speed over to me creating a small wind as she engulfs me in a hug. "I've missed you so much, I'm so sorry." She says with glossy eyes just like the others.

"It's okay. Your hear now, you came back." I say happily as she smiles.

I go to look for Emmett when I'm suddenly spun around. I laugh and he stops pulling me into a hug. "I'm so happy we have you again Y/n. It wasn't the same without you and never will be." I look up to him smiling.

"I need my little sister back." He said with a wide smile and glossy eyes.

" Still the same big teddy bear I see." I laugh and so does he.

I look to Alice and say "We've already had our little reunion but I wouldn't mind another." She smiles and rushes to hug me.

Once we depart I look for the one person I was most excited for. We make eye contact and I can see his glossy eyes and I can feel his emotions.

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