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It's the next day and I'm with the Cullens waiting for the pack along with Bella and Edward to show up so we can began training together.

"So, how well do you think this will go?" I ask Carlisle and Esme who are standing next to me while watching Emmett get thrown across the field by Jasper.

He looks down to me "Hopefully, nothing bad will come from this." I just nod and look back to the fight.

Emmett stands up angry and shouts "Again!" To Jasper.

We all stop what we're doing once we hear Edwards car pull up.

They both hold hands and make there way to us "Hey." I say to them.

"Y/n." Edward smiles greeting me.

"Hey, Sorry were late." Bella tells me with a side hug.

"No problem. We were just watching Emmett get his ass kicked by Jasper." I say teasingly causing the others the laugh while Jasper smirks.

Emmett says "Please I was about to win, I just got distracted." He tells me.

"Uh huh sure." I say back while he just laughs at me.

The others turn looking out to the woods and suddenly I can hear noises and turn to see the pack emerging from the forest.

I smile to them and quickly find Seth who is already looking at me and smile even more.

I laugh see his tail wag and his goofy wolf grin.

"They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms." Edward informs us.

"They came. That's what matters." Carlisle tells him.

"Can you translate?" He asks Edward who nods saying yes.

Carlisle steps forward to greet them but not to close, I turn hearing Bella say "Hey Jake." I see him on our side by her and smile to him and he nods to me as if saying hello.

Sam growls not liking how close he is to the Cullens making Jacob back away.

Alice walks over to us with a smile to help ease our nerves. "Welcome." Carlisle tells the pack.

He looks back pointing to Jasper "Jasper has experience with newborns and how to defeat them." There's a bit of silence before Edward speaks up saying "They want to know how the newborns differ from us."

"There a great deal stronger than us because their own human blood lingers in their tissues. Our kind is never more physically powerful than our first several months of this life." Carlisle informs them allowing Jasper to take over.

"Carlisle's right. That's why they are created. A newborn army doesn't need thousands like a human army, but no human army could stand against them." He tells them and I stand listening to him intently along with the pack and others.

"Two thing to remember, one, never let them get their arms around you they'll crush you instantly. And second, never go for the obvious kill. They'll be expecting that and you will lose." Jasper finishes.

He turns and shouts "Emmett."

They walk a little bit away from us and Jasper says "Don't hold back." Emmett smirks "Not in my nature." And quickly runs over to Jasper pushing him back with his chest on his while Jasper plants his feet being pushed back through the ground ripping up dirt.

Jasper is Then throw into the air and falls to the ground but immediately hops back up running to Emmett who swings at him but Jasper ducks in time allowing Jasper to trip him and cause Emmett to fall to the ground winning.

Now and Forever (Twilight  Seth Clearwater x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now