Sweet Sixteen

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I was peacefully asleep when I hear quite talking and my door creak open.

I let out a light chuckle and close my eyes pretending to be asleep still.

I hear Dad say "Ok on three." "One." "Two." Bella says. I laugh and jump up saying "Three!" They look at me surprised than we all laugh and he said "I should have known you'd heard us." Bells chuckles and says "Anyways, Happy birthday."

"The big sixteen." Dad continues.

I smile and hug them saying "Thank you."

"Well come on downstairs, we're going to the cafe this morning for your breakfast if you want." Dad says.

"Yea that sounds great. Let me get dressed than we can go." They nod and leave me be. I lay back down and smile.

I quickly hop up and put on my favorite outfit for today that I've been saving just for today. I walk downstairs and meet Dad and Bella at the door.

"You ready?" Dad asks. "Yep. I'm as hungry as a wolf." I joke looking to Bella since only she understands. She chuckles and we get in Dads cruiser.

(Time skip)

We pull up to the cafe and we all hop out and pile into the diner. Dad leads us to a table and we each grab a menu and look at it.

"Hello, hope your having a lovely morning. What can I get you three?" The waitress asked.

They look to me to order first. " I'll have y/f/b with a side/s of y/f/s." I say happily. She smiles and writes it down. "And for your drink?"

"I'll have a uh, y/f/d." She nods and takes Bella's than Dads order. "Ok will have that all ready in a moment." She tells us walking away.

We all talked about random things until she came back with our food. We thanked her and I immediately began eating enjoying the delicious flavors. "

Dad thank you so much for this." I say with my mouth full.

He chuckles "Of course, and you welcome. But you should know that after this we're going to lunch somewhere." I look to him confused because he is clearly hiding something.

"Ok." I say suspiciously. After we finished we went back home and Dad stopped me before I could go downstairs.

"Hey kid, you really think I only got you breakfast as your gift." He chuckles.

"Come sit." I nod enthusiastically and sit in the couch. Dad comes out with a small envelope. He has a wide smile on his face as he hands it to me.

I open it reading the card you know all that happy birthday stuff until I get to a smaller envelope. I look to him questioningly and rip it open to revel a paper. I open it and it says "Thank you for planning your trip." I smile widely and say "Where's it to."

"Your choice it's a round trip ticket and the airlines hotel for wherever covers it." I just shake my head and shout happily again and hug him.

"Alright well you go rest for a bit and then we're going to lunch." Dad tells me. "Okay."

(Time skip)
"Y/n! Time to go." I hear from downstairs.

We hop in the car and I ask "So where are we going?" Dad looks to me and says "You'll see." I just nod and look out the window.

"Oh wait, before we get to close why don't you put this on." He says handing me a blindfold.

"Seriously." I say.

"Yep." He states.

I do as he says until I hear and feel the car stop. "Okay hold my arm and I'll lead you." I just nod and follow him till we stop.

"You ready?" I just laugh and he pulls it off.

I open my eyes to see we are at Emily's and the whole pack is there along with my friends.

"Surprise!" They all shout.

I smile and say "Oh my gosh thank you!" I look around still in shock seeing the decorations and all the food I presume Emily cooked.

The next few hours were filled with laughing and fun that I never wanted to end. I just finished eating with Seth and the others when Emily says "Alright cake time."

We all smile excited for the cake she made.

I get behind it as she lights the candles and everyone sung to me. At the end Emily said make I wish. I think for a moment and say to myself "This forever." And blow out the candles everyone claps and the cake is handed out.

I take a bite of the y/f/f cake and take more bites after loving the flavor. After almost every one finished she said alright presents.

I open all of the gifts and love everything they all got me. I get to the last person which is Seth, he hands me a small box with a light blush "I hope you Uh like it." He says with a nervous smile rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm sure I will." I say opening it.

I see two handmade y/f/c bracelets and smile. "Seth there're beautiful. Did you make them yourself?" I ask putting one on.

"Yep and the other is for me, so now we have matching bracelets." He said putting on the other one. I smile and hug him. "Thank you."

He hugs back and says " Your welcome, But I have another surprise." I look to him confused. "Well actually it was a surprise for me to, but it goes with your gift." He hand me a paper. I open it and it's another trip receipt. I smile and look up. "Your coming with me!" I exclaim. He laughs also very excited basically jumping up and down. "Yep, my mom and your Dad planned it."

I look to them and Dad speaks up saying "Well we didn't want you to be alone and he'll be seventeen by time you go and I trust him. You said you only would go if you went with a close friend." I smile glad he remembered and hugged Seth again.

"I can't wait!" He hugs back spinning me.

"Me either! It will be so awesome." He tells me.

We continue to talk and hang out with everyone until around six. We pull up and home and Bella stops me before I could get to my room.

"Yes?" I asked.

"You didn't seriously expect this to be it for the day. We have to go to Edwards." She says.

I smile and say " Of course." We hop in her truck and pull up to their place eventually.

We go through the door and I'm met with another cake I assume made by Esme. "Happy birthday!" I here from everyone.

"Aww thank you guys." I say as she walk closer and they sing to me.

Once they finished I smile and blow them out. They all clap and come to hug me.

Bella and I eat cake until we're full and Alice shouts "Ooo present time." I just smile as they all have their own gifts for me in there hand all different sizes.

I open each gift and loved them all I got y/g/c 's. (Your gift choices) we all hung out for another hour until we decided to head home.

We pull up and I tell Dad and Bella thank again and head to bed. I change into my pajamas and get in my bed still smiling from everything today.

I was about to fall asleep until I looked at the bracelet on my arm and smile one last time before going to sleep.

What I didn't know was that someone had other plans coming soon for all of us as I slept.

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