The plan

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I sigh watching the football game on the tv uninterested along with everyone else in the living.

Bella moves next to me and I look down seeing her fiddle with her sleeves and I see the IV Carlisle put in to help her.

"You cold?" I ask.

She nods her head trying to get comfortable. I nod and go to stand to grab the blanket when Seth next to me says "I got it."

And reaches over to the other couch grabbing it and then he gently throws it over Bella who gives him and thankful smile to which he returns and sits back down.

I smile at the sweet gesture and then lean over to her and help her get situated with the blanket and she mumbles and "Thanks." I smile and the get myself comfortable again.

On the other couch while Jacob says "Maybe I can help more." And then he scoots closer to her so that she can feel the heat radiating off him.

She smiles in content and he says "Don't do that, smile like I'm your favorite person in the world."

"Your one of them." She says weakly as she pulls on his sleeve.

"It feels complete when your here Jake." She adds.

We smile and then frown as she slowly sits up a painful look on her face. I grab the back of her hair holding it up while Edward hands her a bucket knowing she must have to throw up.

She leans over it sobbing slightly and in pain as nothing comes out.

Jacob rubs her back while I sigh not liking her being in this much pain, Seth then rubs his hand up and down my arm seeing my stress.

I smile lightly and turn back to Bella. "We need to find a way to get some food into her system." Esme tells us.

Bella lays back down as Alice says "If only I could see the fetus.."

"Baby." Rose and I say cutting her off.

"Maybe I could figure out what it wants." She continues.

We all grow quite as we think until Edward looks up to Jacob with a slight smile "I think you might be right."

We all look up confused "Right about what?" I ask walking towards them.

"Jacob just had an idea." He tells me.

Jacob chuckles dryly "It wasn't an idea it was a snide comment."

"Well what were you thinking?" I ask annoyed with my arms folded just wanting to know what might possibly help.

He looks to me with a smirk and says "It's probably just looking for someone to sink its teeth into." At that we all look to him thinking about what he just said.

Bella then turns our way and says "He's thirsty."

With her hand massaging her bump. "I know the feeling." Emmett adds.

"If it's craving it's not going to want animal blood." Edward tells us.

I gulp slightly thinking about blood, I haven't fed in a while an just thinking about it makes me hungry.

"I have some O negative laid aside for Bella." Carlisle says walking away. Jasper looks up quickly and I can see the thirst in his eyes.

Alice must have noticed to saying to him "Walk with me." And she pulls him with her.

Rose looks to Emmett and gives him a nervous look so he gets up and follows them out also. I take in a nervous breath when Carlisle walks into the room with the blood bag.

Now and Forever (Twilight  Seth Clearwater x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now