School and Airplane tickets

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It is currently the next day and I'm at school sitting in the cafeteria next to Bella and Edward since Bella already forgave him for the whole truck thing and I just didn't care since he now knows even that won't stop us.

I poked at my food while the others talked about graduation.

"Just in time." Mike tells us as he holds a notepad and pencil.

"In time for what." I say taking a bite of my lunch.

"Well Y/n, in case you didn't know I got Valedictorian!" Jessica shouts excited.

I can't help but be happy for her. "That's great, but what's that have to do with us." I tell her.

"I need help with my speech so I'm enlisting some help from all of you." She says gesturing to the table.

I just nod and listen, I'm only a junior so it doesn't effect me. "How about this." Mike says.

"My fellow students. Right." He says pointing the pencil at her proud of what he's coming up with.

Jessica just nods her head laughing at his attempt.

"We are the future. Anything is possible, If you just believe." He throws the paper at her and says "Perfect. And you've got yourself a speech."

We all laugh.

"Uh huh sure." I say taking another bite of my food.

Mike Just glares at me and then laughs.

"I agree with Y/n. That. Sucked." Eric says as he shakes my shoulder laughing.

I just shove him and smile.

"No that's a speech when I want everyone to throw diplomas at my head. So thank you." Jessica tells him balling up the paper throwing it at his face.

I look and see Edward and Bella just smiling at this conversation than Mike speaks up "You've got to embrace this Jess."

"Yea your the bread and butter of Valedictorians." Eric says agreeing with Mike.

"And that is why you are not Valedictorian." Angela tells Eric who just shrugs.

"Jess doesn't need clichés. The speech is gonna be epic." Bella says finally speaking.

Edward just nods at her comment.

"Epic. This could change lives." Jess tells her.

I chuckle lightly .

Suddenly I feel another presence and look up to see Jasper and Alice take a seat next to me. I smile hugging Jasper.

He returns the hug and says "Oh how I've missed you since first block." I laugh and say "I know what would you do without me." I say.

He smiles and looks to me "Let's hope we don't find out." I smile sweetly at him and look to Alice and say "Oh you know I love you to right."

"I'm well aware." She playfully shake her head at me.

She looks back to everyone else and says "I've decided to throw a party." This immediately catches everyone at the tables attention considering they are Cullens.

"After all how many times are we gonna graduate high school." Jasper says.

I just laugh and say "Who's counting?" He shoves my shoulder playfully. Edward doesn't seem as into it.

"A party. At your place?" Angela asks bewildered.

Jess who seems very intrigued and excited says "I've never seen your house." Well I'd hope not i say in my head. I hear a chuckle and look to Edward.

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