Bike days

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It's been a little while since Bella and I started to come visit Jake daily to work on our bikes.

I'm actually glad Bella did this, everyday she seems to get better and better always laughing and having fun when were all together.

We're in the garage hanging out while he's back at it again. I look around seeing all the tools laid out and deserted parts lying freely on the ground.

It smelled like oil and gasoline but I got used to it after a while.

"That songs good, you don't like it?" Jake asks as she switches the radio off.

And I was actually enjoying the music, I love it especially y/f/s. "Uh I don't really like music anymore. Kinda of." She replied taking a seat.

I laugh and say "Buzz kill." Jake laughs and says "Ok. No music." Great now all I can listen to is the constant wrenching sounds of the tools.

"So I was thinking if were gonna continue to keep doing this everyday and uh hopefully we will. We have to like fit some homework in there somewhere, I don't want Billy to think I'm a bad influence on you." She says. Jake and I both look at her than each other and bust out laughing.

"You, influence me please." He says as our laughs die down. "Are you... I'm older than you so that makes me the influencer and you the influencency." Bella stutters trying to create a comeback.

"No no no my size and knowledge base actually makes me older than you, Cause of your general paleness and lack of know how." He tells her.

I laugh at the last part her being the palest out of us all. "I convinced you to build two wheeled death machines with me. Don't you think that makes you young and naïve? She asks.

He turns to her and says "Ok, so where do we stand?" He asks serious.

I giggle as Bella thinks.

"I'm thirty-five your like thirty-two." "What about me I ask?" Popping into the conversation.

They both look at me than each other and say "Twenty." In sync.

I laugh but nod pleased with the estimate.

We're pulled out of our conversation when we hear a knock on the door. " Yo Jake you in there?" I hear Embry ask so I quickly hide behind the door.

"Yea, no it's ok just my boys." Jake tells Bella who got scared. He walks to go to the door and has a grin on his face once he sees I'm going to scare them.

"Hey Jake." The two say.

"Hey guys this is Bella." He introduces.

" Bella this is Quil and Embry." "

I'm Quil Ateara." Quil says to Bella.

There's and awkward silent pause and I take this as my time to strike. I sneakily get behind them and jump on Embrys back while shoving Quils shoulder.

They both scream and look to see my cackling on the ground. "I-I I'm sorry." I say in between laughs.

"It was to perfect." I say wiping a tear from laughing so heard.

They look at me with playful glares and run towards me "Y/n!" They both shout.

I try to run but they catch me and start wrestling with me and trying to tickle me. We laugh having a good time until Jake says "Come on guys at least try to act civilized."

"Oh please your the wildest out of us all." Embry says as we walk towards them.

They look at the bike questioningly and Quil says
"So the bike building story is true." Bella nods and says "Yea I taught him everything he knows."

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