Chapter 4

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The next morning, the alarm clock I set last night goes off at 8:30. It's a very loud alarm clock, I can hear Niall groan from the other room. I giggle, despite how tired I am. Niall comes into the room and throws a pillow at my face. The two of us laugh hysterically until Niall's phone dings. Is it Hailee? Apparently Niall knows what I'm thinking, because he says, "It's mum. She says breakfast is ready." I nod and reply, "Then get out of my room so I can change!" He sticks his tongue out before leaving the room. I brush my teeth and then grab a pair of shorts and a gray t-shirt, then I jump in the shower. When I get downstairs, Aunt Maura has pancakes, waffles and ham. "Everything looks great, Aunt Maura. Thanks for cooking," I say. She smiles at me and replies, "No problem. I hope your hungry!" I return her smile and Niall rolls his eyes. "Where's the syrup?" "In the cabinet, sweetheart," Aunt Maura replies, with a much nicer tone than Niall's. After he uses the syrup, I grab it and pour it over my pancakes. I take a bite into the stacked pancakes and tell Aunt Maura how good they are. Niall chirps in, "Yeah, they are good, mum. Thanks." She smiles and nods her head, then continues to wash the dishes. After I'm done with my pancakes, I take a slice of ham and dip it in my syrup. Niall looks over at me with a disgusted expression. I roll my eyes and eat the syrup covered ham. He makes a gag sound, and I'm tempted to flip him off, but I decide against it. "Shut up," I say instead. He shoots me a grin and takes my plate. "Thanks." He nods his head and takes them to the sink. Niall and I go back upstairs and I suggest we watch a movie. "What do you wanna watch?" I ask him. "Grease," Niall replies. "Nope. It's the only movie you watch," I say. "Fine. What about a horror movie then," "Okay," I reply. We end up picking A Quiet Place. Niall finds it on Amazon and rents it. "That was the scariest movie I've ever watched," I say to Niall. He scoffs. "Meh." I roll my eyes and swat him on the arm. "Wanna go out for lunch? We can go to Nando's." Niall says. I roll my eyes for the fourth time today. He has a massive obsession with Nando's. "Sure," I reply. "We can take my car." When we get to Nando's, Niall of course, orders "The Niall," which is a chicken wrap, wings, and spicy rice. Nando's made a menu for the boys when they first became a band. I order "The Harry." A chicken wrap with grilled pineapple on the side. After dinner, Niall drops me back to my apartment where my mum is staying for a couple weeks. "Thanks for lunch," I say. "No problem. See you in a few days," he says. "Oh and have fun tomorrow." I smile and he returns it. "Bye, Niall." After I take a shower I get a text from Louis. "Remember, be ready at 7. See you tomorrow, love."

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