Chapter 42

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"Jesus do you two have in these bags?" Louis complains as we walk over to the car, my bags in his hand. "Clothes," Julia answers, handing her bags to Liam.

Julia and I follow behind Liam and Louis as they climb into the car. "I'll go in the back," Liam volunteers and Julia climbs back there with him. I slide into the row in front of them next to Louis.

The driver walks around the side of the car and closes the door before getting into the driver's seat and pulling away from the curb. Ten minutes later we arrive back at the hotel and let ourselves into our room, where Harry and Niall are sitting on the couch.

"Whatcha watching?" I ask, sitting down next to Harry. "That new murder mystery with Adam Sandler and Jennifer Anniston," Niall answers. "It's really good so far," Harry comments.

"Well have fun, guys. I'm going to go upstairs and take a shower," I say. I walk up the stairs and sift through my drawers looking for something to put on after my shower.

Three hours later...

Louis POV
"I'm going to go to bed too," I say, walking up the stairs to the second floor of our hotel room. I walk into our bathroom and brush my teeth and then into our bedroom and see Sarah underneath the covers on the right side of the bed. I lay next to her and put my arm around her.

"You okay?" I ask, shutting the bedside light off. "I was just thinking about my dad," she answers. "Oh. You know if you want to go and visit him I can go with you," I offer. "Yeah. I think I should go and see him tomorrow," she says. "So do you want me and Niall to come?" I ask, knowing she'd probably want her best friend there too. "Yeah that'd be perfect," she says. "Of course. I love you." "Love you too, Louis," she says. I kiss her forehead and fall asleep within minutes.

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