Chapter 7

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10 minutes later as I pull into Niall's driveway, he sends me a text that says, "I'll be home in a couple minutes, you can let yourself in if you're already there :)" I climb out of my car and get the keys from where I know the Horan's keep them. I open the front door and walk into the living room. I sit on the couch and wait for Niall to get back. He gets back 15 minutes later and comes over to give me a hug. "Hey, sorry, we were rehearsing for tonight," he says. "It's okay. So, what'd you wanna take to me about?" I ask. "I was wondering if you'd hang out backstage during the concert? Watch from the side, ya know?" Niall says. "Sure. I'd love to." I reply. "Also, Louis wanted me to ask you. But don't tell him I told you," Niall says, while rubbing the back of his neck. "Got it. I won't say anything," I tell him with a smile. "Thanks. So, wanna grab lunch? At Nando's?" He asks. "We are not going to Nando's again. We went last time we had lunch," I remind him. "Please? It's my favorite. And I'm starving," he begs. "Ugh, fine. Let's go. I'll drive," I give in. Niall tosses me the keys to his car and we head outside. Niall and I climb into his car and drive to the Nando's by his house. Niall orders the same thing as last time, but I order "The Zayn," which is toasted pita bread with chicken. After lunch, Niall drops me home and says, "See you in a couple hours." "Thanks for lunch," I say. "Sure," he calls from inside his car as he pulls out of the driveway. I take my house key out of my pocket and open the front door. My mum is sitting on the couch in the living room, typing away on her laptop. "Hi mum," I say. "Hi, sweetheart! Where were you?" She asks. "Out to lunch with Niall," I respond. She nods. "How is he? And are you still going to the concert tonight?" "He's good. And yes, I'm still going to the concert," I reply. She nods. "I'll be upstairs," I tell her. She nods her head again. "See you later honey." I walk upstairs into my room and flop down on my bed. "Ugh, I'm so tired," I say to myself. I fall asleep and wake up two hours later- three hours before the concert starts. I jump in the shower and put on my favorite skirt and a nice top. I take a pair of high heels out of my closet and grab my phone off its charger. I rush downstairs, grab my car keys, and jump into my car. Half an hour before I get there, Harry calls my phone. I pull over and put it on speaker. "Hey, Haz," I say. "Hey. Are you almost here?" He asks. "Yes. I'll be there in half an hour," I tell him. "Okay, see you soon," he says before hanging up. "I drive around looking for a parking space in the massive parking lot of the stadium where the boys are performing in two hours. Finally finding a parking space, I jump out of the car and go to the backdoor of the stadium, where a security guard is standing. He refuses to let me through the door, so I text Harry. A few minutes later, I hear him talking to someone on the other side of the door. The security guard on the other side of the door opens it up and says, "Who are you?" I give him my name and he lets me inside.

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