Chapter 9

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I nod my head and say, "I don't remember you asking, but sure." He rolls his eyes and says to me, "Same time." I nod my head. "Okay." We walk into the dressing room and sit down on the couch. "What time is it?" Niall asks, as he pours himself a drink. "10:30," Harry says, checking his watch. "The limo's picking us up at 11:15 or 11:30, I think," Liam says. The other boys nod. "I'm supposed to drive you home right?" Niall asks me, as he finishes off his first drink and pours another. "Yes." He nods his head and takes a sip. "We can go after I grab my stuff." I nod my head as Louis says, "I wanna get home too. Can you drop me off Nialler?" Niall nods as he sets his drink down. The two of them grab their stuff. Twenty minutes later, Niall has finished three drinks. After saying goodbye to Julia, Liam and Harry, Niall, Louis and I walk out of the dressing room towards Niall's car. Niall drank to much and it's making me nervous, so I offer to drive. If Niall won't let me drive, I'll ask Louis. Anyway, he accepts, so I climb into the drivers seat. Louis sits up in the front with me and Niall sits in the back. When we get to Louis', he leans over to my side of the car and kisses me before getting out of the car. "Good luck with Niall. Call me if you need help." I nod my head and pull out of Louis' driveway. A few minutes later, I pull into my own driveway and get out of Niall's car. I wake Niall up and help him out of the backseat. I take my house key out of my purse and open the back door. I send Niall upstairs after telling him I'll be up in a few minutes. I make him his favorite hangover food, grab him a water bottle, and bring it upstairs. He's laying down on the bed in the guest bedroom, rubbing his head. "Here, Niall," I say, handing him the water bottle. "Thanks," he mumbles. I leave the food by his bed and tell him to eat before I go into my room. I check my phone and see three missed calls from Louis. I'm about to dial his number, but he calls right before I hit the "dial" button. "Are you okay? How's Niall?" I ask. "I'm fine. Niall's fine," I reply. "Okay... well just wanted to make sure you were both alive. Goodnight." "Goodnight," I respond. I don't even bother with a shower, I just throw on a t-shirt and shorts and collapse into bed.

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