Chapter 13

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Two hours later, Liam and I have played five games against Harry and one of his and Liam's drunk friends. We won four out of five, and we were about to play another game before Louis came over. "Hey, we better get going," he says to me. Looks like all the alcohol he had has worn off. I nod and say, "Bye, Liam. See you at the concert." He pulls me in for a hug. I turn to Louis and say, "I wanna say goodbye to Jules and Niall's girlfriend before we leave," I say to him. "Niall has a new girlfriend?" Louis asks. "Apparently," I respond. "I'll come with you.  I need to talk to Julia," Liam says. We walk over to Chloe, who is sitting in the chair where I last saw her. "We're leaving. It was nice to meet you," I say. She looks up from her phone at Louis. "Who's this?" She asks. Before I can answer, Louis says, "Her boyfriend. Are you Niall's new girlfriend?" She nods. "I'm Chloe." "See you around," I say as Liam (who hadn't said anything to Chloe,) Louis and I turn to walk away. "I don't know if I like her," Louis whispers to me. "It's funny, Liam said the same thing," I reply. Liam nods. The three of us walk outside where we find Julia talking to Harry. "We're going to get going, guys," Louis says. Harry nods. "See you at the concert tomorrow," he says. Julia is about to pull me in for a hug, but Chloe walks by and dumps her drink all over Julia. Liam steps towards his girlfriend. "Oh, sorry. Didn't see you there," Chloe says with a smirk. "Liam just got me this dress," Julia says. Julia shoves her into the pool, and I can't help but giggle. "It's okay," he says to Julia, hugging her. "I'll get you a new one, babe." Chloe rolls her eyes as she gets out of the water. "What the hell is wrong with you?" She asks. Niall comes over before she can answer. "What happened to you?" He asks Julia, who he sees before his girlfriend. "And what happened to you?" He asks Chloe. Chloe starts to speak, but is interrupted by Julia. "Your girlfriend "accidentally" spilled her drink all over my dress," Julia says. Niall turns to her. Before he can say anything to her, she says, "Then she pushed me into the pool." "I'm sorry about your dress." Niall says to Julia. Chloe rolls her eyes and walks away, making me smile. "It's fine," Julia says. We walk away, but not before Julia turns around and says, "Dump her sorry ass." He rolls his eyes and smiles. After saying goodbye to Liam and Julia, Louis and I walk out of Liam's luxurious home towards Louis' car. Fifteen minutes later, he pulls into my driveway. He gets out of the car and walks me to the door. He kisses me before saying, "See you tomorrow." I nod and say, "Bye, Louis." I take my house key out of my purse and walk into the kitchen. I check the clock on my phone and see that it's almost 1:30. I pour myself a glass of water and go upstairs into my room, then change into my pajamas and go straight to bed. The next morning, I wake up ten minutes before 11. I change into shorts and a t-shirt and head downstairs. I make myself coffee and read the note my mum left me about her having something to do for the next couple days, and that she won't be home till Tuesday. I drink my coffee as I read a book. Louis texts me, "Hey. Wanna do something today?" "Sure. Pick me up at two," I respond. "See you then," he writes back. I go back upstairs to change into something nicer. I put on a skirt and a nice top, grab my favorite pair of heels that go perfectly with my skirt, and wait for Louis to pick me up.

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