Chapter 25

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Sarah POV
We leave the cafe after Niall devours my pancakes. "Do we have a show tonight?" Harry asks as we walk towards the tour bus. "Yeah, it's in Houston," Liam replies. Harry nods and steps into the tour bus, followed by me, Liam, Julia, Louis and Niall. Not long after, the tour bus pulls out of the parking lot. We drove around 20 hours yesterday, so now we're only 6 hours away from where the boys are performing tonight. "I'm going to jump in the shower," says Niall. He leaves the room after grabbing clothes and walks into the bathroom. I grab one of my books and then I climb onto the top bunk. I get to page 47 before Harry interrupts me. "Sarah," I look up from my book. "do you have another book you can lend me?" He asks. "I have a bunch, Haz," I answer. "Any mysteries?" "I have three of Michael Connelly's mysteries, four of Mary Higgins Clark's and six of Stephen King's." I say. He nods. "I'll take one of Mary Higgins Clark's," he says. I climb off my bed, find one of my Mary Higgins Clark books and give it to Harry. He smiles and sits down on his bed. I take some of my other books out and put them on my suitcase. Julia takes one as Niall walks over. "I wanted that one!" Niall yells. Julia rolls her eyes and hands him the book. Julia grabs another one off my suitcase and mutters something about how annoying Niall is. She lays back down on her bed and starts reading. Several hours later, Julia and I are sitting on our beds waiting for the boys to come back from their concert. "We should go out. Up for a night of dinner and dancing?" Harry asks after they get back. "Sounds good," I say. "We'd better get changed," Julia says, looking down at her sweatpants. I nod my head as she shoos the boys out of the room.

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