Chapter 33

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Sarah POV
Harry and I pile watermelon on our plates. I notice a coffee machine on the other side of the room so I walk over and brew myself an English Breakfast tea. I bring it and my watermelon back to the table and sit down. "Where'd ya get that?" Niall asks, looking at my tea. "Over there. Want a cup? I'm going back there anyway, I forgot sugar," I say. He nods. "Anyone else want a cup?" I ask. Everyone but Liam accepts. I make Harry's first, with milk and sugar the way he likes it. I make Niall's the same way, but Julia takes it with more milk than the Harry and Niall. I walk back to the table with all three cups in my hand. I hand Julia hers first, then Harry, then Niall. "Thanks," Harry says after he takes a sip. I sit down and drink mine. Louis comes down a few minutes later and sits down next to me. He grabs my cup and takes a sip. "Get your own," I say as I take it back. "No." I roll my eyes and take a sip of my tea. Louis gets up and walks over to the buffet table. He comes back a moment later with two pancakes and scrambled eggs on his plate. I bring my fork over to Louis' plate to take a bite of his eggs, but he pulls it away before I can. "I'll share my eggs if you share your tea," he says. I roll my eyes and give in. "Fine."

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