Chapter 31

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Sarah POV
"She says she'll go," I tell Louis as I sift through my suitcase looking for something to wear. "Good," he says. "I'm gonna take a shower," I say. He nods as I grab a black dress from my bag and walk into the bathroom. An hour later, Louis and I are both dressed and are waiting for Julia. "Hi!" She says she as lets herself in. "Wow you really dressed up," I comment. She nods. "Yeah," she replies. "Let's go. Harry's waiting for us in the lobby."


Liam POV
"Are you sure she's coming?" I ask Niall, who's with me in the Uber. "Yes. Sarah's with her right now," he answers. "But won't she bolt if she sees me?" I ask nervously. "Probably," Niall says. "But Louis and Harry are with her, too, so she won't get far," he adds. I nod. Ten minutes later, our driver pulls into the parking lot of the restaurant. "Sarah just texted me. They're not here yet," Niall says as we walk to the door. I nod my head again. "What's the reservation under?" I ask. "Probably Styles," He answers. We give the hostess our name and she brings us to a table towards the back.

Julia POV
The driver of our car pulls into the parking lot. Louis helps Sarah out, and Harry helps me out. Harry gives the hostess his last name, and she remarks, "The rest of your party is already here. Follow me," She says. I turn to Sarah. "What does she mean "the rest of our party?" I ask. She shrugs her shoulders and follows behind Harry. I swear to god if Liam's here... The hostess brings us to a table towards the back, where Niall and Liam are already sitting. Louis sits next to Niall, Sarah sits next to Louis, Harry sits on Sarah's other side, and I sit on on the other side of Harry, next to Liam. "Hi," Liam says to me. "What are YOU doing here?" I ask. "Having dinner," he responds. "What are YOU wearing?" He asks. "A dress. What else?" I answer rudely. Niall clears his throat and looks at Sarah. "You guys have a nice night, but I'm going to head back to the hotel," I announce, standing up. Harry grabs my arm and pulls me back into my seat. "Hold it," he says. "What?" I ask. Harry looks at Liam, who looks down at his plate. "I'll be right back. I'm going to go to the bathroom," I say. "I'll come with you," Sarah offers. "It's fine," I say as I stand up and leave the table.

Sarah POV
"What now?" Harry whispers to me after a few minutes. "I guess we have to let them fight. They'll make up on their own," I say. "Where's Julia?" I ask. "She's been gone a while. I'm going to go get her," I say, standing up. Liam nods as I walk away from the table. I step into the bathroom and Julia is no where to be seen. I return to the table and sit down. "She's gone," I say. Liam scowls at his plate. "Well, we've already ordered, so let's just eat," Niall suggests. "Okay," Liam says with a sigh. After we eat dinner, we head back to the hotel and walk past the bar. Liam grabs my arm and points inside. "Julia's in there. I'm gonna go talk to her," he says. "Okay. Call me if you need anything," I say. I give him a hug and watch as he walks inside and sits on the bar stool next to her. I see her roll her eyes before I walk away.

(Sarah's dress!!)

(Julia's dress!!)

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(Julia's dress!!)

(Julia's dress!!)

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