Chapter 22

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Sarah POV
One of the boys' security guards helps me get my bags into the tour bus we'll be living on, which is huge. We all have little cots that look like bunk beds with curtains surrounding them. As soon as we walk inside, Niall and Julia say at the same time, "I call top bunk!" I chose the bottom bunk of the cot closest to the window, and Julia takes the bed above mine. Louis choses the bottom bunk of the cot closest to mine, and Liam choses the one on top of his. Niall takes the top bunk and leaves Harry with the bottom bunk on the other cot. "When's our first show?" Niall asks, from his bed. "Tomorrow night," Liam answers. Niall nods. "What should we do tonight?" Harry asks, from across the room. "We should go to a movie," Julia suggests. Louis nods. "And dinner. We're not gonna have a decent meal for a while," he says. "We're going to be going to Nando's and McDonalds for a couple weeks, before we start with the international part of the tour," Liam chirps in. A few hours later, our driver pulls into the parking lot of a movie theater, and all of us have changed into something nicer. I'm wearing a black skirt, a white top, and my black heels, and my best friend is wearing a similar outfit. We walk into the movie theater and find it empty, probably because it's late and it's a weekday. We buy four large buckets of popcorn, one for me and Louis to share, one for Liam and Julia to share, one for Harry and one for Niall, who eats the most out of all of us. Niall suggests we see a horror movie, and we all agree. There are three to pick from, Grudge, Friday the 13th or A Quiet Place 2. "We should see A Quiet Place 2. The original movie was really good," Liam says. "Sarah and I saw the original, too." Niall adds in. "I think we should watch something different," Harry states. "I agree with Haz, we should watch something different," I agree. "I vote for Friday the 13th," Julia says. "Me too," I say. Harry nods, and Liam and Niall give in. We pay for the tickets and enter theater 4. We each take our own rows, Harry take a row toward the front, Liam and Julia go towards the middle, and so do Louis and I. Niall sits in the very back. There was no one else in the theater when we walked in, and there's no one now, so we talk amongst ourselves until the movie starts. Louis slings his arm over my shoulder and I rest my head on his chest. He kisses my forehead as the movie starts.

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