Chapter 29

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Liam POV
"I'll be right back," I say to Julia. I step outside of mine and Julia's hotel room and glance in the direction of Niall's room. There's a blonde girl outside his door. She knocks quietly, and a minute later Niall opens the door and she says, "Hey baby." I throw up in my mouth and then I go back into my room. "Why do you look so traumatized?" Julia asks. "Because I am," I reply, shuddering. "You'll never believe what I just saw. Niall let a girl into his room, and she called him baby," I say. "Really? Well at least he broke up with Chloe," Julia replies. "Yeah, I guess," I respond. "I'm still gonna go over there, though," I add. Julia nods as I walk out of my room. I find Niall's door unlocked and I step inside. "Niall," I call. "What?" He says in a annoyed tone as he approaches me. "I need to borrow-" "Who's this?" The girl from earlier interrupts, as she puts her arms around Niall's waist. I gag in my mouth again as Sarah walks in. "What's happening in here?" She asks. "Nothing. This is my friend, Liam, and my friend, Sarah," Niall says.

Julia POV
"I'd better go see what they're up to," I say to myself. I open the door of my hotel room and walk down the hallway towards Niall's. I find the door unlocked so I step inside. "If things don't work out between Niall and I... give me a call," I hear a girl's voice speak. "She's just joking," I hear Niall say. "And Liam has a girlfriend anyway," Sarah says. "What about me?" I ask, stepping into the room. "Nothing," Liam and Niall say quickly.

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