Chapter 43

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"Louis! Today is Lottie's birthday!" I exclaim, glancing at my phone about an hour after waking up. Harry, Liam, Louis and I sit at the table drinking coffee, or in Harry's case, tea. "Shit! I totally forgot," he answers. "It's fine though, we can call her now. It's only 11," Harry says. "We can face-time her on my laptop," I suggest. I pull it off its charger and sit back down on the counter, next to Louis. I go to the "Skype" app and scroll though my contacts before finding Lottie's. I hit the "dial" button and it rings twice before it's answered. "Hey, Lottie! Happy birthday!" Louis says. "Aw, thanks Lou! I miss you guys so much," she says. "Hi Sarah! Hi Louis!" Phoebe, one of Louis' other sisters greets us. "Hey, Phoebe! Where's Daisy?" I ask, referring to her twin sister. "Bathroom. She'll be out in a second," Lottie answers. True to her word, Daisy joins the two of them a minute later. "How are you three? Where's Sam?" I ask. "Oh, he's out with dad," Lottie answers with an eye roll. "At least your dad likes him," I say. "Yeah," She says. "So what are you guys up to?" Lottie asks. "Just hanging out. Liam and Harry say happy birthday. And I'm sure Niall would too if he was awake," I laugh. "Are Liam and Harry with you now?" Lottie asks. "Yeah, they're right here," I respond, moving my laptop so it shows Harry and Liam. "Hey! Happy birthday!" Liam says. Harry smiles and so does Lottie, from what I can see. "Thanks, guys. How's Julia doing, Liam?" Lottie asks. "She's good," he answers. Lottie hasn't met her a bunch of times, but they get along well enough. "Ugh, I miss you guys," Lottie says. "We miss you too!" I respond. "When we get home you, me, Phoebe, Daisy and Holly have to have a sleepover," Lottie says. "Definitely," I reply, smiling. "Well I gotta go! Daddy and Sam just got home. Love you both!" Lottie says. "Love you too. Say hi to everyone for us," I reply. A moment later Lottie hangs up and I close my laptop. "How'd you know it was Lottie's birthday, anyway?" Liam asks. "She's one of my best friends, and I remember my friends' birthdays. Liam, yours is August 29th, Harry, yours is February 1st, Julia's is April 6th, Niall's is September 13th and Louis' is December 24th," I say, setting my coffee down. "Touché," Harry says.

I know Lottie's birthday is August 4th, not August 5th but just go with it haha xx

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