Chapter 37

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The next morning after I wake up I take a shower and change into a shorts and a t-shirt before heading downstairs. "Morning, Niall! You're up early," I comment, pouring myself a mug of coffee he apparently made. "Thanks for making coffee," I say. "No problem," Niall says, smiling. I sit down at the table and Niall sits across from me, both of us on our phones. "Morning!" Louis says a few minutes later as he walks downstairs. He kisses me on the cheek and also pours himself coffee. "Why are you up, Niall?" He asks. "Just couldn't sleep," he answers. "Well that's unlike you," Louis adds. "I said the same thing," I say, sipping my coffee. An hour later, Liam, Julia and Harry have come down and after all of them have asked Niall why he's up, Louis suggests we go out to eat and calls room service asking where the closest restaurants are. "I'll call a car," Harry says. He takes out his phone and steps out of the room. Half an hour later, the six of us have arrived at the restaurant. Niall asks for a booth for six people and the hostess brings us to a table before walking away. Niall slides into one side of the booth, followed by me and Louis. Julia slides in first on the other side, then Liam and Harry. You're One Direction, aren't you?" Our waitress asks excitedly a few minutes later, after she's introduced herself. Harry chuckles. "Yep, that's us." "And you're Sarah, Louis' girlfriend," she says, pointing at me. Louis nods and I smile at her. "And you must be Liam's," she says, pointing at Julia. Julia nods as well. "Can I have your autographs? My sister and I love your music," the waitress says, smiling. "Of course," Harry says. He's very dedicated to his fans. She takes a piece of paper out of her pocket and a pen. Harry scribbles his signature on the paper, then Niall, then Louis, then Liam. "I'd love to get your signatures too," she says to me and Julia. "Where would you like us to sign?" Julia asks. "Sign by Liam's name, and Sarah can sign by Louis'," she says. I nod and take the pen from Liam. I write my name next to Louis' and hand the pen to Julia, who writes her name next to Liam's. "Thank you," She says, smiling brightly. "Sure," Niall says. She starts to walk away and then comes back to the table. "I'm sorry, I forgot to ask you what'd you all like to drink," she says, obviously embarrassed. "English breakfast tea, please," I respond. Louis, Harry and Julia also get tea, but Niall and Liam get hot chocolates. "Pass the milk please, Niall," I request. He gently pushes it in my direction and continues sipping his drink. "What can I get you all?" The waitress asks. "We'll have the blueberry pancakes, please," Louis orders for me and him. Niall orders an omelette, Harry orders oatmeal since he's not really a breakfast person, Liam orders scrambled eggs and Julia orders an omelette as well. Our food arrives half an hour later and Louis and I finish our stacked pancakes in ten minutes. Niall, of course, finished eating first.

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