Chapter 5

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The next morning, I wake up before my alarm clock goes off, and I jump in the shower. I put a skirt and a top on and grab a pair of heels. I walk downstairs and into the kitchen. My mum is standing by the coffee pot, pouring coffee into a mug. She sits at the kitchen counter and begins to read the newspaper. When she notices me, she says, "Hi, honey! We can leave in a few minutes. I was thinking we'll go to Bloomingdales first." I nod my head and grab a cup of coffee. "Sounds good. Thanks for making coffee, mum." She looks up at me and smiles, then continues reading the newspaper. Half an hour later, my mum and I pull into the parking lot of Bloomingdales. Once we're inside, the two of us begin to sift through clothing racks. My mum calls my name a few minutes after we arrived and shows me a gorgeous lavender colored dress. It's a good length, and it's more casual than dressy, just my style. "What do you think?" She asks me. "It's pretty," I respond. "You should try it on," my mum continues. I nod my head. I walk back to the clothing rack I was sorting through and finish looking through it. An hour later, my mum and I have picked out two dresses, a skirt, and a few tops. I try on the dresses and end up getting both, even though I like the lavender one more. After we leave Bloomingdales, Mum and I go to Macy's. "You need more shorts," she remarks. I nod my head. "Yeah, I do." I pick out four or five pairs that both of us like. After Macy's, we go to Forever 21, which I hope will be the last store. I pick out a romper, a few more tops, and a pair of sandals. My mum suggests I get a pair of heels also, but I refuse. I already have a bunch of heels. She tries to compromise with a pair of pumps, and I give in. I pick out a black pair. When we get home, it's already three o'clock, and I realize I only have four more hours until my date with Louis, that I haven't even told my mum about. "What are you doing tonight?" My mum asks, as if she can read my thoughts. "Why?" I ask. "I'm going out tonight," she replies. "With friends?" I question. "Yes. What are you planning on doing for the rest of the day?" She asks me again. "I'm going out too," I say. "Oh," she remarks. "Well have fun. I'll be home by nine." "Well I won't," I giggle. I excuse myself from the room and head upstairs to decide what to wear. After forty minutes of back and forth debating between the two dresses I picked out with Mum, I go with the lavender dress. I take another shower and curl my hair. I glance at the clock, which says 5:54. I grab my makeup bag from my dresser and put on natural eyeshadow, eye liner, mascara, concealer, and my favorite shade and brand of lipstick. I grab my new black pumps from my closet and sit on the couch in my living room to wait for Louis. It's only ten minutes before the doorbell rings. I open the door and see Louis, wearing a black tux. He smiles and then says, "You look absolutely gorgeous." "Thank you," I blush. He takes my hand and leads me to the limo he rented. Louis and I step into the large limousine. I sit across from Louis and ask him, "Where are we going?" He smiles. "You'll see," he says. I roll my eyes and he smiles again. Fifteen minutes later, the limo is pulling into the parking lot of a theme park. Louis gets out first and helps me step down. The two of us walk to the admissions booth and the gate, which we are let through after Louis showed his ID. Apparently he rented the whole park tonight, because we have it all to ourselves. "What ride do you want to do first?" Louis asks me. "What about that one?" I say, pointing to a large roller coaster. He nods his head and we walk, arm in arm, over to it. Louis and I sit in the front of the roller coaster because it has the best view, and it's the fastest. After the ride is over, Louis grabs my hand and says, "Let's do that one," pointing to the pendulum. "That was my favorite in grade school," I tell him, smiling. "Mine too," he says. After we get off the pendulum, I say, "What about the bumper cars?" Louis nods. "I think they're over by the Tiltawhirl, which we're going on after." I smile again, "Deal." Louis and I walk over to the bumper cars. He chose a red car, and I chose a yellow car. When the ride starts, I'm off too quick for Louis to bump into me, and it stays that way the whole three minutes. I bump his car several times though. When we get off, Louis scowls, and I laugh. "I know I suck. You don't have to tell me," he says. "You really do," I say. Louis rolls his eyes and then takes my hand to lead me to the Tiltawhirl. We sit in #12, which I think has the most turns. After we get off, Louis and I go to four or five more rides, and then he asks, "Wanna go to the arcade?" I nod my head, "Sure." We walk over to the arcade and game center, where Louis and I play tons of arcade games and other games at booths. Louis ends up winning me a few stuffed animals and a necklace. He takes my hand and leads me to the fun house, claiming he wanted to end the night with it. "I've never been on this. I was always too scared," I say. He smiles and takes my hand to lead me through it.

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