Chapter 16

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Louis POV
When we get to Sarah's house, I come inside with her. Her mum is sitting at the table, drinking coffee. "Hello, Louis," she says, smiling. "Hi Ms. Wilson," I say. "Please call me Molly. Ms. Wilson makes me feel so old," she says, smiling again. "Got it," I respond. "See you tonight," I say to Sarah. I kiss her before leaving and driving home.

Sarah POV
"Ugh," I mumble, as I flip though my clothes, trying to figure out what to wear tonight for the concert. It's gotten out that I'm seeing Louis, and now that I'm going on tour with him, I need to buy more clothes. I end up picking a black skirt, a white blouse, and a pair of high heels. I spend an hour doing my makeup and curling my hair, then I head downstairs. "Bye mum," I say, as I walk out the door. "Bye, sweetheart," she calls. I climb into my car and toss my purse onto the passenger's seat. I enter the stadium's address into my navigation, and forty minutes later- 2 hours before the concert is supposed to start, I pull into the parking lot. After ten minutes of searching for a spot and finally finding one, I walk to the stage entrance. There are thirty or forty girls standing outside the entrance with posters and signs. I do my best to push through them. When I get to the front of them and show the security guard my pass, one of the girls asks, "Are you Louis' girlfriend?" I pretend I hadn't heard the question and step through the open door. "They're insane," the security guard whispers as I walk though the door. Louis stands on the other side, causing every single girl to push to get to the front and scream even louder. Louis slings his arm over my shoulder and the two of us walk towards the dressing room.

Louis POV
We walk into the dressing room where Niall, Liam and Julia are watching TV on the couch and Harry is scrolling through his phone on one of the chairs. My girlfriend's surrogate brother comes over and hugs her, then Julia, Liam and Harry do the same. We all sit down and watch whatever crappy show those idiots were watching, except for Harry, who continues to scroll through his phone. "Haha," Harry says, laughing. "Shut the hell up," I say. "Ahaha poor Liam. I remember that day, that was the meanest thing Niall has ever said to him in front of me to this day," Harry says, still laughing.

Sarah POV
"What did I say?" Niall asks. Harry tells him, and he laughs. "Oh, and this one," I say. I send him the pic of the boys' reactions to asking for help with homework. "That's totally what Liam and Louis would say. Ahaha Niall," he says. "Where do you find this stuff?" He asks me. "Explore page," I say. "Send whatever you guys are looking at to me," says Liam. "Okay." I reply. I send it to all the other boys plus Julia, and basically all we do before the concert is laugh about memes I send them. Someone I don't recognize comes in the room and says, "10 minute warning!" "We better get going," says Liam. I stand up and walk out of the dressing room with the boys and Julia.

Louis POV
I walk towards the back with Sarah and kiss her on the cheek before heading towards the elevator with the other boys. "Have fun," she calls. "We will," Niall says. I roll my eyes before the elevator door closes.

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