Chapter 28

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Sarah POV
"Who used all the butter?" Asked Niall, who had woken up later than everyone else. "Julia," Harry says. Niall scowls as Julia shoots Harry a look. "I didn't not. He did," she says. "I'll get go get more," I say. "I'll come with you," Julia says. We walk across the parking lot back into the coffee shop. After asking for more butter, we return to the tour bus. "Here, Niall," I say, handing him the butter packets. "Thank you," he says. "Sure." Niall sits down and puts the butter on his bagel. He eats three before he declares he's stuffed.

(2 weeks later....)

Louis POV
"What time do we leave for the airport?" I ask. "Four," Liam answers. "What time is it now?" Julia asks. "Nearly twelve. We should be there at one so we can have lunch before the flight," Liam says. "Okay." An hour and a half later, after going though security, the six of us sit down to eat at a fast food place close to our gate. "What time do we land in Dublin?" Harry asks. "Eleven thirty," Niall answers. Harry nods and continues eating. At three our plane starts boarding. Liam glances at the plane tickets and tells us that we're in rows 36 and 37, towards the back. "There's four people a row. Julia and I can sit by ourselves," he says. Niall nods as we walk towards the back of the plane. Julia and Liam slide into their seats in the row in front of ours.

Sarah POV
Niall climbs in first, then Harry, than me, then Louis. We're flying Aer Lingus to Dublin, and they have these little TV's that you can listen to music on, watch movies and TV shows on and stuff like that. I open up the movie tab and scroll through the options after we take off. "Look, Haz! They've got Dunkirk," I tell him. Harry looks up from his phone and smiles, then turns his TV on. He scrolls through "movies" and selects Dunkirk. After watching Dunkirk for the millionth time, I go to the "home screen" on the TV and select music. I find Harry's album as I scroll. "They must really like me in Ireland," he says with a wink, after I showed him. I give him one of my earbuds so he can listen with me, and basically all I do the whole flight is listen to One Direction and Harry's album (much to his delight). After the seven hour flight is over, we go though customs and get our bags. We wait outside the airport as Liam calls a cab. It arrives ten minutes later and we all pile in. Liam sits in the front with the driver, Julia, Louis and I sit in the next row, and Harry and Niall sit in the back. Our cab driver pulls into the parking lot of a nice-looking hotel and helps us bring our bags into the lobby. I offer to check us in while Liam pays the cab driver (despite my objections). I walk over to the desk and give the name Tomlinson, which is what all four rooms are under. I'm staying with Louis in one room, Julia is staying with Liam, Niall is in one room and Harry is in the last room. I take the three room keys and hand one to Liam, one to Harry and one to Niall. The bellhop brings our bags to our rooms, which are all on the same floor. Louis, Liam, Julia and I go immediately to bed. Niall and Harry however, go to the bar.

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