Chapter 15

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Sarah POV
I wake up the next morning and find myself in a hotel room with Louis. He has his arm around me and I find it impossible to move. When I try to, he pulls me closer to his chest. Finding it useless to try to get up, I close my eyes and fall asleep again, remembering what he said to me last night.

Louis POV
I wake up and admire the beautiful girl sound asleep next to me. I kiss her lightly on the forehead before reluctantly getting out of bed. I walk into the small kitchen of the hotel room I rented for us last night- we had both been too tired to drive home. I make her coffee in case she wakes up before I'm gone, then I go downstairs through the hotel lobby to get my car from the parking lot. I had driven it here last night after getting Sarah into bed, after telling her I loved her for the first time. I'm not even sure she heard.

Sarah POV
I sit up from the bed and walk into the kitchen, where Louis is sitting drinking coffee. "Morning, love," he says. "Good morning," I respond as he kisses my cheek. "Thanks for making coffee," I say. "Sure. Wanna go downstairs for breakfast?" He asks. "Only if there's pancakes," I say. "I knew you'd want pancakes. I checked the menu," he replies laughing. "Blueberry?" I question. "Yep," he answers. "Okay. Let's go," I command. We walk out of the kitchen and he slings his arm around my shoulder, as we walk downstairs to the hotel lobby.

Louis POV
"I'll have the blueberry pancakes, please," she orders. "I'll have a chocolate chip muffin," I tell the waitress. She scribbles our orders down on a note pad and walks away. Our food comes within half an hour. "Can I have some?" I ask her. "Nope," she replies. I roll my eyes and take a bite out of her pancakes. "They're pretty good," I say. She nods. "Yeah." After we finish eating, we go back up to our room so she can grab her purse. We turn the room key into the concierge and then leave the hotel.
Sarah POV
Louis helps me into the front seat of his car and then climbs into the driver seat. "Are you coming to the concert tonight?" Louis asks. "Yeah," I respond. "You should hang out backstage again," he says. "Okay," I respond. He nods, "okay."

Louis POV
Sarah shivers, so I can tell she's cold. I turn up the heat in the car and she smiles at me appreciatively. "So, uh, Sarah... you know, me and the boys are going on tour again soon.. I want you to come with me," I say. "What?" She exclaims. "Go on tour with me. I don't want to be away from you. You're everything to me. I love you," I blurt out. She stares at me, shocked. "I love you too. But am I even allowed to go with you guys? Will the other boys be okay with it?" she asks. "I've already talked to them and management about it," I tell her. "Okay. Then I'll go," she says.

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