Chapter 19

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I wake up later than usual, around 11, and jump in the shower. I pick out a skirt, a top, and a pair of heels to wear shopping with Aunt Maura. I head downstairs to make myself coffee and down it all within a few minutes. I grab my purse and leave the house. Not much later, I pull into the driveway of the Horan home. I check my phone for the time, 11:54. I wait a couple minutes before letting myself in. "Aunt Maura!" I call. "I'm in the kitchen!" She replies. I walk into the kitchen, my heels clicking on the hardwood floor. "Hi sweetheart!" She says to me. "Hi!" I respond. Niall comes into the kitchen with a simple "hey" and pours himself a cup of coffee. "Ready to go?" My lovely aunt asks me. I nod, and she says, "Sure you don't wanna come Niall?" He shakes his head. "Please?" I ask. "Fine," he gives in. I smile and the three of us leave. Three hours later, I've picked out 3 dresses, 4 skirts, 6 tops, 3 pairs of jeans, 2 pairs of heels, and 2 pairs of pumps from Forever 21, and 2 dresses, 2 skirts, 3 tops, 1 pair of jeans, 4 pairs of shorts and 1 pair of heels from Macy's. Aunt Maura helped me pick out a lot of what I ended up getting, while Niall was on his phone. Since we took my car, I drop Aunt Maura and Niall off before driving home. I take out all the clothes I plan to take with me on the tour and lay them out in my room. The next morning, I sleep in again. After taking a shower, I pack all my clothes in two suitcases for the nine month tour that starts next week. The only thing I'm worried about is not seeing my mum. I'll definitely call her a lot, though, so I'm not that worried. My phone rings, interrupting my thoughts. I check the caller ID, which says "Hazza 🦋" so I answer. "Hey, Haz." "Hi. Louis' phone died and he wanted to talk to you about something," he says. "Okay. Put him on," I say. A second later, I hear Louis' voice say "hey." "Hi, Louis. What's up?" I ask him. "I wanted to know if you want to meet me and the other boys and Julia for dinner before the concert," he answers. "Okay. Where?" I ask. "I'll text you the address on Harry's phone. Meet us there at 5:30. I love you." "Love you too," I say before hanging up. At 5, I leave my house and drive to the restaurant Louis gave me the address for. When I get there, Louis is waiting outside, for me I assume. "Hi!" I say, as I kiss him. He leads me towards the back of the restaurant, where his and my four best friends are sitting. After hugging all of them, I sit down and flip through the menu. I end up ordering spaghetti and meatballs, something you can't go wrong with. Liam orders the same as I do, Niall orders the grilled chicken with mashed potatoes, Julia orders a salad and Louis orders steak with a side salad. Our food comes within half an hour, and everyone found it delicious. After arguing over who would pay, we all gave in and let Niall pay. "You payed last time the five of us had dinner together," Niall had said to Harry. I had paid the time before that, Louis before that, and Liam before that. After paying the bill, we walk out of the restaurant. I walk towards my car with Louis and Niall, who are planning on driving with me. I won't need a damn pass to get into the stadium if they're with me. Louis, Niall, and I get out of my car and walk towards the back entrance of the stadium. Louis puts his arm over my shoulder and Niall stands on the other side of me. Security guards hold back fans, who are screaming and crying and jumping up and down. One girl is wearing a "Future Mrs. Tomlinson" sweatshirt and I can't help but giggle. "We gotta get you one of those," he whispers in my ear. He kisses me, causing more fans to scream, and then we walk inside. When we get to the dressing room, Harry, Liam and Julia aren't here yet, so we sit and wait for them. After ten minutes, Niall comments, "We go on in half an hour." "I'll call Harry," I say. "I'll call Liam," Louis says. I dial Harry's number and get nervous when he doesn't answer. I dial him again and this time I hear his raspy voice say, "Hello?" "Harry Edward Styles, you gave us a heart attack!" Niall yells from the other side of the room, having heard Harry answer since the phone was on speaker. "Why isn't Liam answering?" I ask. "His phone died," Harry answers. "Oh. Where are you?" I ask. "On our way," he replies. "Well hurry. We go on soon," Louis says.

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