Chapter 30

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Julia POV
"What happened?" I ask. "Nothing, like we told you," Liam replies. "Obviously something happened, Liam," I spit out his name like it's toxic. "Don't be like that, babe," Liam says quietly. "Don't "babe" me," I reply in a sassy tone. I walk out the hotel room door and slam it loudly.

Sarah POV
"Why didn't you just tell her the truth, Liam? She's not going to be mad at you," I say. He doesn't answer. "I'll go talk to her. She'll come
around," I reassure him. He nods as I walk out of Niall's hotel room. I make my way towards Julia and Liam's room across the hallway. I find it unlocked and step inside. "He's such an ass," Julia says, pacing. "No he's not. He just didn't know what to do," I defend him. "I'm not on his side, though," I add quickly. "I'm not getting in the middle of this." "Okay," Julia says. She walks over to the door and locks it. "Why did you lock the door?" I ask. "Cause I don't want Liam to come in," she replies. My phone rings on Julia's desk. I get off her bed and pick it up. "Hi, Haz," I say. "Hi. Niall told me what happened. Can I talk to Julia?" He asks. I nod, then remember he can't see me. "Sure." "Harry wants to talk to you," I say to Julia. I hand the phone to Julia, who puts it on speaker. "What?" She asks. "Hey, it's Harry. Niall told me what happened between you and Liam. Just wanted to make sure you were okay," I hear him say. "I'm fine, but Liam's an ass," Julia responds. "Hey!" Liam exclaims. "Harry! You tricked me!" Julia says before handing the phone back to me. I take it off speaker and press it to my ear. "She's really pissed off," Harry says. "Yeah. Put you know who on," I say. "Okay," he replies. "Why's she so mad?" Liam asks. "Why do you think?" I ask, rolling my eyes. I hear him sigh. "It's not like I cheated on her," he says. "If Louis was put into this situation, I would probably think the same thing. Not that I don't trust him," I say. "Yeah, I guess you're right. I'd apologize but she won't answer her phone," he says with another sigh. "Give her space. I'm sure she'll come around. You two are great together," I say. "Thanks," he says before hanging up. "Who was that?" Julia asks nonchalantly. "Harry," I lie. A couple hours later, Julia and I have watched two movies before my phone rings again. "Hi, love. Wanna meet us for dinner? I'm bored without you," Louis asks. "I'm on my way back to the hotel room now," I say. "I'll be right back," I mouth to Julia, who nods her head. I step outside her hotel room door into the hallway. I hang up the phone and open the door to my room. I walk into the bedroom where Louis is laying down watching TV. "Whatcha watching?" I ask. "Something stupid," he replies. "I heard what happened between Julia and Liam," he says. "Yeah, she's really mad," I respond. He nods and sits up from the bed. "I was thinking we could all go to dinner," he says. "Julia will not go to dinner if he'll be there," I reply. "I know, that's why we won't tell her," Louis says. "I'll be right back," I say, stepping out of my room. I push open Julia's door and she's sitting on the bed staring at her phone which is lighting up constantly with texts, probably from Liam. "You may feel better if you come out to dinner with me, Harry and Louis. Niall's gonna stay with Liam," I say. "Okay, I'll come," she replies. "Should I dress up?" She asks. "Yes," I respond. "I'm going to go back to my room and change. Meet us there in an hour?" I ask. She nods as I step out of the room.

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