Chapter 12

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The next two months go by quickly. I go to 1-3 One Direction concerts a week, and go out with Louis pretty often, maybe once or twice a week. Around 10, Louis texts me, "Hey. You free tonight?" "Yeah," I respond. "Wanna come with me to Liam's tonight? He and Julia are having another blowout party." Louis texts. I went to one of their parties a couple weeks ago. "Sure," I respond. "I'll get you at 7," he writes. I sift through my closet trying to figure out what to wear; I end up picking a casual dress and a pair of pumps. Two hours before he picks me up, I take a shower and put my dress on. I sit down and do my hair and make up. I finish half an hour before Louis is supposed to get me, so I put the TV on flip through the channels. There's a knock on the door at exactly seven, so I know it's Louis. I make my way downstairs and put my pumps on before answering the door. "Hey," he says. "Ready to go?" I nod as he takes my hand to bring me to his car. Louis pulls into the massive driveway of Liam' and Julia's mansion, which I've only been to a few times, for parties and to babysit Bear when Liam and Julia go out. Louis comes over to my side of the car and helps me out. He puts his hand on my shoulder and leads me through Liam and Julia's house. We walk to the couch in the living room, and he asks me, "Want a drink?" "Sure," I reply. "I'll be right back," he tells me. Louis comes back a few minutes later with two drinks in his hand. He gives one to me and takes a sip of the other one, his. I try mine and notice how strong it is, making me instantly dislike it. Louis finishes his drink within a few minutes, so I give him mine. He downs that one pretty quickly too. He wanders off to, I assume, get another drink. I decide to go find Julia or one of the other boys and talk to one of them. I walk around Liam's massive home and find Harry at the bar with another guy. They both look wasted, so I decide not to talk to Harry. I wander around there house some more and end up where I started. Niall is sitting there with a different girl, not Hailee, and he's got his arm over her shoulder. She gets up and says, "Hi, you must be Sarah! I'm Chloe." I look over at Niall. "My girlfriend," he says. She beams. "Nice to meet you," I say. Niall asks her and me if we want drinks. Chloe nods, but I shake my head. I can tell Niall won't be drinking, because he comes back with only one cup, and he hands it to Chloe. "I'm going to go find Liam," I say. Niall nods, but Niall's girlfriend says, "Oh, I haven't met any of the other boys yet. Can I come with you?" "Sure," I respond. "Oh, Niall, if you see Louis, tell him I'm with Liam and Jules, okay?" Niall nods before I walk away. I find Liam and Julia inside by his other bar, talking to a couple other guys. "Hey, Sarah," he says, hugging me. Julia does the same. "Thanks for coming. Where's that boyfriend of yours?" He asks. Chloe, who is still with me, looks at me for an explanation. Liam suddenly notices her. "Oh, this is Chloe. Niall's girlfriend," I say. "Hey, I'm Liam," he says. "I'm Julia, Liam's girlfriend," Julia says. She nods, "Nice to meet you." Liam turns back to me. "So. Where'd you say Louis is?" He asks again. "I didn't say, because I have no idea," I respond. Someone shouts, "Hey, Liam! Wanna play pool?" "Sure!" He yells back. "Find a partner!" The guy says. Liam turns to me. "Julia doesn't like pool. Wanna be my partner?" Liam asks. "Sure," I respond. Liam leads me over to the pool table while Niall's girlfriend follows behind us, and Julia wanders off to get a drink. "I don't like Chloe," Liam whispers in my ear. "I'm undecided," I respond. He nods as we take two cues off their hooks.

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