Chapter 41

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Ten minutes later, Julia walks over to me and shows me three dresses she picked out. One of them is lilac, her favorite color, and the other two are black dresses. "I'm going to try these on," she says, before walking off towards the dressing room. Half an hour later, I've picked out two sweaters, a pair of jeans, and a pair of pumps that Julia helped me pick out. Julia ended up buying two out of the three dresses she tried on, one of the black ones and the lilac one. "Where to next?" She asks. "I think Sephora's closest," I answer. She nods and we walk down the block towards the Sephora Store. "We'll go there after," I say, referring to the Bloomingdales that is right next door.  Julia and I enter the store and browse around for a few minutes. I end up getting new mascara and a new lipstick, since my old one is almost completely out. Julia gets several face masks and hand masks. I hand the woman behind the desk Louis' credit card and watch as she places my stuff into a bag. She hands the credit card back and I slip it back into my wallet. Julia and I leave the store and go to the after she pays for the multiple masks she wanted. I push the door open into Bloomingdales and look around for fifteen or twenty minutes. I end up getting a black lace dress, around mid-length, and a couple skirts. Julia picks out a few dresses as well. "I think we've got enough clothes. Ready to have the boys pick us up?" I ask Julia, after handing the woman behind the counter Louis' credit card. "Sure, you go wait out front. I'll meet you out there in a minute," Julia replies as the cashier hands me the credit card back and puts my clothes in a bag. She hands it to me and I walk out of the store and wait for Julia. I pull out my phone and text Louis to ask him to come pick us up.

Me: We're done shopping. Come and get us? Our bags are heavyyy

Louis: Liam and I will come get you as soon as we call a car. What store are you at?

Me: Bloomingdales

Louis: okay, see you in ten x

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