Chapter 34

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Sarah POV
The next stop on the tour is Manchester. It's 10:30 when we finish eating, and our flight is at 3. "We should get back to our rooms and pack," Niall suggests. We take the elevator back up to our rooms and I don't really have anything to pack, so I sit on the bed in mine and Louis' room. Two and a half hours later, the six of us are sitting in a restaurant in Dublin Airport once again. "I'm going to run to the Pharmacy next door and get Aspirin. I have a horrible headache," Julia says after we order our drinks. She stands up from the table as I say, "I'll come with you." She nods and I follow her out the restaurant door. We walk past a couple shops before finding the pharmacy and stepping inside. "The medicine section is towards the back," I say to Julia, checking the sign. She nods and we make our way towards the back aisles. I find the Aspirin and hand it to Julia. She pays for and then we walk back over to the restaurant. I take my seat in between Niall and Louis. "Did you guys order yet?" I ask. "No. The waitress hasn't been by since she took our drink orders," Harry replies. A minute or two later, the waitress brings us our drinks and takes our orders. "What time is it?" Julia asks. "1:45," Niall answers, looking at his phone. Our food comes half an hour later and we quickly eat before heading to our gate. Our flight is already boarding when we get there, so we check in and find our seats on the plane. Since there are only four seats per row, Liam and Julia offer to sit by themselves, leaving me, Louis, Niall and Harry in the 12th row while they move towards the back of the airplane. Harry and Niall take the aisle seats, while Louis and I take the middle seats. Louis falls asleep on my shoulder a few minutes after the plane takes off, so I put my ear buds in and listen to music (mostly One Direction). I give Niall one of my earbuds so he can listen too, since his phone died at the restaurant. "Play one of my songs," he says. I scroll through my playlist that has all the boys' music on it, and I click on "This Town". I hear Niall softly hum along to his song, making me smile. I play Flicker and Too Much to Ask by Niall, then I play Miss You and Two of Us by Louis, then Polaroid and Bedroom Floor by Liam, and finally Two Ghosts, Sweet Creature and Ever Since New York by Harry. "Play some One Direction," Niall requests. I open my "One Direction" playlist and hand Niall my phone. "You pick," I say. He picks Little Things. "I love your solo in this one, Ni," I tell him and he smiles. During Zayn's solo, I look over at Niall and see him wince. "You okay?" I ask. He nods as his famous solo starts. After the song is over, Niall picks Temporary Fix, Change Your Ticket, Moments, Don't Forget Where You Belong, Why Don't We Go There, Fool's Gold, Change My Mind, Stole My Heart and Long Way Down.

(I know the flight from Dublin to Manchester is only an hour, but just pretend it's longer pls) .

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