Chapter 24

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Sarah POV
I wake up around 9:30 the next morning and get out of my cot as quietly as possible without waking the other boys. I look in the direction of the other beds and see that Niall, Harry, Julia and Louis are still sleeping in their beds, and that Liam isn't in his. I get out of bed and grab my toiletry bag, walk into the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair, then I change into a skirt and a top with my black pumps. Julia is sitting on her bed when I step out of the bathroom. "Where are you going?" She asks. "To look for Liam," I say. "I'll go with you. Just let me get changed," she says. I nod and sit down on her bed as she walks into the bathroom. We walk out of the tour bus, and see that we're parked in the lot of a hotel. I decide to text Liam to find out where he is. Liam responds within a minute. "inside the hotel. Come and meet me. I'm at the cafe," he writes back. Julia and I walk through the hotel lobby towards the cafe. We step inside and walk towards his table. He looks up from his menu and smiles at us as we walk over to him. "Morning, Payno," I say, grinning. "Morning, loves. How'd you sleep?" He asks. "Fine. How'd you sleep?" Julia asks. "Fine too." A waitress comes by and hands Julia and me a menu. "Would you like something to drink?" She asks. "I'll have tea, please," I say. "I'll have tea as well, please," Julia says. The waitress nods and walks away. I open the menu and scan it quickly, deciding to order the blueberry pancakes. Niall loves blueberry pancakes, I can either split them with him if he wakes up soon, or I can bring home what I have left since there's no way I'll finish them. The waitress comes back a few minutes later and rests the tea on the table, along with milk and sugar. "Thank you," I say. "You're welcome. Have you decided what you want to order?" She asks. Liam nods and says, "Ladies first." He winks at Julia and she rolls her eyes. I smile, and say to the waitress, "I'll have the blueberry pancakes, please." "I'll have the fruit platter," Julia, who is vegetarian, orders. "I'll have the breakfast omelette," Liam says. "Of course," the waitress says before walking away. About fifteen minutes later, I hear my phone ding and I take it out of my purse to see who texted me. "Where are you?" Louis asks. "In the hotel's cafe with Liam and Julia," I write. "I'll meet you guys in there with Harry," Louis types. I put my phone away and grab the waitress as she walks past our table and ask her for more menus. She returns a moment later with the menus, and I thank her. Five minutes later, I spot Harry and Louis approaching our table. "Good morning, love," Louis says before he kisses me. Louis sits down on my right, Liam next to him on the other side, and Harry next to him. The waitress comes by a few minutes later and takes Louis' and Harry's orders (tea and a muffin for Louis, pancakes for Harry). Our food comes not long after, and just as I thought, I can't eat it all. I take out my phone and call Niall. After the fourth ring, I hear his tired voice say, "hello." "Wake up, Niall. We're in the hotel having breakfast. Wanna come meet us?" I ask. "Sure, I'll be there in 10," he says before hanging up. Ten minutes later, Niall walks into the cafe and sits down in the empty seat next to me, between Harry and I. "I can't finish my pancakes, Niall. Do you want them?" I ask. "Only if they're blueberry," he says with a smile. I nod and hand him my plate, and within minutes he's eaten the two large pancakes I couldn't finish.

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