Chapter 38

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"Why don't we do a little sightseeing while we're here?" Louis suggests after we've payed the check and left the restaurant. "You two haven't been to Manchester before," he adds, referring to me and Julia. I nod. "Sounds fun." "And then we could see a movie tonight since our concert isn't till tomorrow," Harry says. "I'll see what's playing," Liam says. He takes his phone out of his pocket and scrolls for a minute. "We can see the new 47 Meters Down or Charlie's Angels," he says. "I vote for Charlie's Angels. Noah Centineo is such a good actor," Julia says. "He's in that?" Niall asks. She nods. "Well I vote for Charlie's Angels. Noah's really nice. I don't think Liam wants to see 47 Meters Down anyway," Harry says. "I hate shark movies," Liam adds. "Charlie's Angels it is. What times do they have, Liam?" Louis asks. "4:15, 5:45 and 7:15 and then they have a bunch of later ones," he answers. "Let's see it at 7:15 so we can go out to eat first," Niall suggests. "I'll buy the tickets," Liam says. "We can go to the Manchester Art Gallery," Harry suggests. "Sounds good. I'll call a car," Niall says. He puts his phone to his ear and lowers it a minute later. "It'll pick us up here in five minutes," he says. "Okay," I say. Five minutes later the six of us are in the car Niall called for us- Niall in the front. "Can you drop us off at the Manchester Art Gallery?" He asks. The driver nods and ten minutes later we step out of the car in front of a huge building. Harry and Louis argue over paying for the entry tickets, but Louis finally gives in when Harry says he can pay for the snacks at the movie theater. "I wanna show you something," Louis says to me. He brings me towards the back of museum and shows me a painting. "My mum's grandmother painted that. Of her," Louis says sadly. I walk over and hug him tightly. "It's beautiful." He kisses the top of my head and I stare at the painting, still hugging him.

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