Chapter 27

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Sarah POV
"I'm so tired," Julia says as she grabs clothes out of her suitcase. "Me too," I agree. Once Niall, Julia and I have all changed into sweats, I say goodnight and lay down. Louis, Liam and Harry come back within half an hour. Louis climbs into bed with me, since the bunk beds are queen sized mattresses. He pulls me close to him and I fall asleep almost instantly. The next morning, I wake up somewhat late, around 10. Louis is still asleep next to me. I get out of bed as quietly as possible and change into a skirt, a top and a pair of heels before grabbing my phone off my charger. I look around the room and see that Louis, Niall and Julia are still asleep. I call Harry as I step outside the tour bus. "Where are you?" I ask. "We're inside the coffee place where we're parked. We got you a tea," he says. "Thanks. I'll be there in a minute," I say before hanging up. I walk through the door of where Harry said he and Liam are. I scan the room and find them quickly. I sit down next to them and Harry hands me my tea. "Thanks," I say. "Sure, love," Harry says. I sip on my tea while Liam sips on his coffee. "Do you want something to eat? They have bagels and croissants and stuff like that," Harry says. "I'll get a bagel. Do either of you want something?" I ask, standing up. "I'll have a bagel," Liam says with a smile. "Me too," Harry adds. I nod and walk over to the line. 10 minutes later, I'm at the front. I plan to order eight bagels, but the cashier says she can only sell them to me in dozens. I roll my eyes and ask for a dozen and 6 croissants. Not long after, one of the workers hands me the bag with all the bagels in it, and the six croissants. I set both bags down on the table. Harry reaches his hand in the bag with the bagels and within minutes has eaten two. After Liam's finished his first bagel and Harry's finished his third, I grab the bags and walk back over to the tour bus with Harry and Liam.

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