Chapter 32

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The next morning, my phone dings way too early. I grab it off the bedside table and turn the ringer off so it won't wake Louis up if it dings again. I have 4 texts from Niall.

N- are you up yet?
N- wanna meet for breakfast
N- I'm hungry
N- sarah wake upppppp

I roll my eyes and type an answer.

S- I'm up now you little shit 🖕
N- uh oh someone's grumpy
S- and who's fault is that, Niall?
N- well I'm hungry so will you meet me and Haz for breakfast in that buffet place downstairs
S- I'll meet you down there in half an hour

I grab something to wear out of my suitcase and jump in the shower. 10 minutes later, I get out of the shower and change, then I walk back into the bedroom to wake Louis up. "I'm going to meet Niall and Harry for breakfast," I say. He nods and turns over. I walk out of the hotel room and take the elevator down to the lobby. I walk through the lobby towards the restaurant and over to the table where Harry, Niall, Liam and Julia are sitting. I plop down in the empty seat next to Harry and fight a smile when I notice Liam and Julia sitting next to each other. "Where's Louis?" Niall asks. "Asleep," I answer. He rolls his eyes and I grin. "I'm going to get something to eat," I say standing up. "Me too," Harry says. Liam, Julia and Niall are already eating, I notice. Harry and I walk away from the table and I head to the pancake and waffle station. I pile three pancakes on my plate and pour syrup on top. I join everyone at the table a minute later. "So I see you two have made up," I say to Julia and Liam, who are the only people sitting at the table. Liam grins as Julia blushes. Niall and Harry rejoin us a minute later. Niall has four pancakes and three biscuits on his plate, and Harry has mostly fruit on his. I take a piece of watermelon off of Harry's plate and eat it. He rolls his eyes and continues eating. I take another bite of his watermelon before glancing across the table at Niall, who has half a biscuit left on his plate. "I'm going to get fruit," I say as I stand up. "I'm going to get some more watermelon since you ate all of mine," Harry says. "I literally had two pieces," I reply. He smiles and we walk over to the fruit station.

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