Chapter 39

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We leave the art museum two hours later and Niall, who is already hungry, suggests we get lunch. "Why don't we go there?" Harry says, pointing to the small cafe across the street. "Cause we got all night! And we're going now where..." I start singing. Niall rolls his eyes. "Why don't you stay... why don't you go there, with me?" We sing the "do do do" part of the song "Why Don't We Go There" from the boys' Midnight Memories album, then break into laughter. "You just had to say that, Harry," Niall whines. "Just be thankful we didn't sing your solo, dude," I say. The six of us walk to the restaurant across the street and ask for a table. Within forty minutes our food arrives. Harry and I each ordered a sandwich, Niall and Louis ordered grilled chicken and Liam and Julia ordered salads. Niall insists on paying and we agree, since Harry payed for the museum tickets, Liam payed for the movie tickets and Louis is paying for the movie snacks. Believe it or not, movie theater food in the UK can be extremely expensive. "What time is it? Harry asks after we've left the resturant. "2:15," Liam answers, glancing at his phone. "We've got a few hours before the movie," he adds. "Wait, doesn't your dad live in Manchester?" Julia asks. "Yeah, he does. But he doesn't wanna see me and I don't wanna see him," I lie. Louis puts his arm around my shoulder and I find it comforting so I lean into his chest. "Alright, let's uh, take a walking tour," Harry changes the subject. I'm grateful, because I honestly don't wanna talk about my dad anymore. He did reach out but I don't want anyone to know, anyone except Louis and Niall. They were with me when he called. He calls every once in a while to check in and I kinda let it slip I'd be going to Manchester last time we were on the phone. He insisted I come and see him and his wife and my half sister, Mia, (who loves One Direction) but I haven't seen him or his wife in years, literally years. I do see Mia often though, she stays with me for a week every summer, but she couldn't come last year for some reason, and she has no idea I even know Niall, despite his mum and mine going to college together. "We're supposed to meet our guide in about twenty minutes here," Liam interrupts my thoughts about my father "Okay," Niall says. Our guide arrives twenty minutes later, like Liam said, and we've probably walked more than five miles by the end of the three hour walking tour. "Let's get dinner and then we can head to the movies," Liam says. I nod and suggest a really great place to eat and we go there. At 7, we arrive at the movie theater, print our tickets in the sixth row and get our snacks for the movie. Harry, Niall, me, Louis, Liam and Julia slide into our seats in the sixth row. Two hours later the movie ends and we head back to our hotel. "How many more days are we in Manchester?" Louis asks on the way back to the hotel.

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