Chapter 21

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the next week...

Sarah POV
All this week, the boys had no concerts, so I spent most of my time with them and Julia, who is also going on tour with the boys. Gotta prepare for the nine months I'll be stuck with them. Anyway, we leave for the tour today, and my mum has offered to drop me off at the Styles' so I don't have to leave my car there. I grab my suitcases and my purse and put them in the car. My phone dings and I take it out of my pocket. It's Louis, on the group chat Liam made. "Can you bring an extra couple phone chargers? harry took one of mine and I haven't gotten it back." "I have like six in my bag. Anything else?" I ask. "Who was in charge of portable chargers?" Harry asks. "You," said Liam. "oh, oops," he says. I roll my eyes and write, "it's fine, I got a couple." "Ugh, you saved my ass, Liam would've killed me. thanks," Harry writes. I send ":)" and put my phone away. I take out my picking list and go over everything. Phone chargers, portable chargers, a couple books, etc. Got everything. I walk back inside and get my mum. "I'm ready," I tell her. Not much later, my mum is pulling into the driveway of the Styles house. I take my suitcase out and my mum and I go inside. "Hi Anne," my mother says in a cheery voice, as she hugs Harry's mum. I do the same and walk into the living room, where Louis, Harry, Liam and Julia are. "Where's Niall?" I ask. "Running late," Harry says. Fifteen minutes later, after I've said goodbye to my mum, we hit the road.

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