Chapter 35

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Sarah POV
"Louis, wake up," I whisper to Louis after the pilot announces that we've arrived at the gate. He stirs and opens his eyes. "We're here," Harry says. Louis sits up and unbuckles his seat belt. "Let's go," he says, stepping into the aisle. Harry, Niall and I follow behind him after grabbing our bags from the overhead bins. A moment later, we've joined Liam and Julia outside the gate. "Hi!" Julia says in a cheery voice. "Hi," I respond with a smile. "Where's baggage claim?" I ask Niall, who I believe is the only one of us that's ever been to this airport. "Downstairs," he answers. We follow Niall down the escalator and walk towards baggage claim. After grabbing our bags, Liam calls a cab which arrives within ten minutes. Louis and I climb into the back, and Julia, Liam and Harry sit in the second row while Niall sits in the front with the cab driver. Niall gives the driver the hotel's address, and we arrive twenty minutes later at a luxurious looking hotel with a gorgeous pool in the back. We get our bags and check in with the concierge. The boys' manager booked the biggest suite option, since the six of us are staying together at this hotel. There are two floors, the top one has two bedrooms and a bathroom, and the bottom floor has one bedroom, a pull out couch, a kitchen and a bathroom. Niall and Harry volunteer to sleep downstairs, so Julia, Liam, Louis and I get the top floor. As soon as Louis and I walk into our room, he collapses onto the bed. Instead of going to bed, I decide to unpack mine and Louis' things now, because we'll probably be to jet lagged to do it later tonight or tomorrow. A couple hours later, everyone's woken up, so I suggest we go get dinner. Liam calls the concierge and asks for a recommendation on where to eat while everyone else changes.

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