Chapter 26

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Sarah POV
"You should wear that one," Julia says to me, pointing at a black dress. "It's absolutely gorgeous," she continues. "Thanks," I reply. "Now you have to help me pick out what I should wear," Julia says. I nod my head and watch as she takes three dresses out of her luggage. "I think Liam would like the one in the middle the most," I tell her. She smiles and takes it off its hanger. After putting our dresses on, we do our makeup. "Can we come in now?" Niall asks from the other room while I'm halfway through my mascara. "Not yet!" I answer. I hear him mutter something under his breath and I wink at Julia. "You guys can come in now!" I say a few minutes later. They come in, all wearing suits. "You look stunning, love," Louis says, kissing me gently. "So do you," Liam says, kissing Julia's cheek. She smiles and so do I. Louis holds my hand as we walk into the restaurant. Harry called and made a reservation earlier, so we're seated not long after we check in. Niall sits down at the head of the table, I sit down next to him, Louis next to me. Julia sits across from me, next to Liam of course. Harry sits across from Niall, next to Louis and Liam. An hour and a half later, we've finished eating and are now at the bar. "Dance with me?" Louis asks. I nod my head as Louis takes my hand and leads me towards the dance floor. I rest my head on his chest as we dance to a slow song. Liam and Julia join us on the dance floor a few minutes later. After an hour or two of dancing, I excuse myself and go back to the tour bus. Niall and Julia come with me.

(Sarah's dress!!)

(Julia's dress!!)

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(Julia's dress!!)

(Julia's dress!!)

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