Chapter 44

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"I'm going to go upstairs and change," I say about ten minutes later. Louis follows me up the stairs and sits on the bed while I change. "Have you talked to your dad?" He asks. "Yeah, I texted him last night," I answer as I finish curling a long strand of my hair. "What'd he say?" Louis asks. "He said he'd love if I could come over and that I could bring you and Niall," I reply, going through my makeup case looking for my mascara. I begin applying it to my eyelashes as Louis says, "We can go as soon as Niall wakes up." I nod my head and sit on the bed next to Louis.

an hour later...

"Hi Mia!" I say, hugging her. "Hi!" She suddenly notices Louis and Niall, both a few feet behind me. "Why do you have Niall Horan and Louis Tomlinson with you?" She asks, excitement clear on her face. "Oh, well Niall's my best friend and Louis' is my boyfriend," I say. Louis steps closer to me and takes my hand. "Hi!" He says, smiling at the girl. "Hi!" She replies. "So do you know Liam and Harry too?" Mia asks. "Yeah, they're back at the hotel though, with Liam's girlfriend," I say. "Oh. But aren't you guys on tour? Why are you with them?" She asks. Niall smiles at her and Louis says, "We wanted her to come with us on tour." 
Mia nods and says "Oh." "Where's dad and your mum?" I ask. "Dad's in the kitchen and mum is in the shower," she answers. "Okay," I reply. Mia leads the way to the kitchen with me, Louis and Niall close behind. "Daddy! Sarah's here," She says.

Louis POV
I watch as a man I assume is Sarah's father sets his newspaper down, stands up and walks over to my girlfriend and hugs her. "How are you, sweetie?" He asks. "Fine, thanks," she replies. "How are you dad?" I can tell she's a little uncomfortable so I take her hand for comfort and gently squeeze it. He says he's doing fine and then addresses me and Niall. "You must me the boyfriend," he says to me. "Uh, yeah. I'm Louis," I say, putting my hand out for him to shake. He shakes it then says "Nice to meet you." He returns the gesture and then turns to Niall, saying things like, "I haven't seen you since you were around three, Niall. How are you? How's Greg?"

an hour later...

Sarah POV
"Thanks for coming with me, guys," I say to Niall and Louis after leaving my father's house. "Of course," Louis says, hugging me. Niall gives me a quick hug and then Louis calls a car to come pick us up.

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