Chapter 10

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The next morning, I wake up right before ten and I take a shower. I put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and head into the guest bedroom, where Niall spent the night. He's asleep, but the plate that I put his sandwich on his empty. I tiptoe out of his room and walk downstairs into the kitchen. Mum is sitting at the table drinking coffee. "Morning, mum," I say as I kiss her cheek. "Morning, love," she replies. "I saw your note," she says as I glance over at the note I left her last night. "How's Niall?" She asks. "He's fine. He ate the sandwich I made him last night and he's asleep now." She nods. "I'm going to make him an omelette. It's his favorite hangover food." I say to my mum. She nods again. "Make me one while you're at it." I take a pan out of the drawer, eggs, butter, and cheese from the fridge, and salt and pepper from the cupboard. Fifteen minutes later, my mum is eating the omelette I made her, and I'm carrying the other omelette and a water bottle upstairs for Niall. When I walk into the bedroom, Niall is awake and rubbing his head. I sit the omelette down on the dresser and he smiles at me, weakly, and says, "Thanks." I nod and go into the bathroom cupboard to get Motrin, for the headache I know he has. I give him the pill, which he swallows with the water I brought him. He pats the part of the bed next to him and I sit down. "You always take such good care of me." he says, as he puts his arm around my shoulders. I smile and hug him. A few minutes later, Niall has eaten the whole omelette and I can tell he's still hungry. "I'll get you another one," I say. He shakes his head. "No, its okay. I don't want you to have to cook again." "I have another one downstairs. I didn't want you to be hungry." I smile, and he returns it. "You really are the best," he says, and I can tell my best friend means it. After Niall finishes his second omelette, I suggest he take a shower. While he's in the shower, my phone rings and I look at the caller ID and see that it's Louis. I hit the "accept call" button that appears on my screen. "Hey. How's Niall's hangover?" He says. "He's got a headache, but other than that he's fine," I reply. "Good. Please tell him I got Liam to watch Freddie today," he says. "Okay," I reply. "I'll see you later, then?" I say. "Yeah, I'll pick you at up seven. See you then," he says as he hangs up. Niall gets out of the shower a few minutes later and I tell him he's off babysitting duty. "Wanna hang out today then?" He asks. "Sure," I reply. "We should go to-" "We are not going to Nando's again; Niall," I say. "Please? Nando's is the best for a hangover... Second only to your omelettes, of course," he says. "Good save," I say, as I pat him on the back. "Fine, we'll go to Nando's." I sigh. He smiles. "I knew you'd give in."

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