Chapter 18

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Sarah POV:
The Kelly wedding was beautiful, but very hot, since it was outdoors in a tent. Mum and I sit with the Horan's. I sit by Niall, and my mum sits by Aunt Maura. All of us cry a little, even Niall. After we leave the wedding, Aunt Maura suggests the four of us go for ice cream. Mum, Niall and I happily oblige. Greg can't come with us since he's the best man, and has something to do with the groom after the wedding. We go to a little ice cream parlor close by to where the reception was held. "The ceremony was beautiful," I comment, as we sit down at a table. Niall and my mum nod. "Yes, it was," Aunt Maura agrees. My phone dings and I take it out of pocket. "Hey. How was the wedding?" Louis texted. "Emotional," I reply. "As weddings should be. Well anyway, I'll call you later. Lottie needs my help with something," he texts. "Tell her I say hi :)" I send. "Will do." I put my phone away and rejoin the conversation. Niall leans over and whispers to me, "Was that Louis?" "Yep," I reply. Soon after, the four of us leave the ice cream store. I walk with Aunt Maura, and Niall stays in the back with my mum. "Aunt Maura, have you met Niall's girlfriend yet?" I ask her. "Oh, he broke up with her I think," she answers. She leans in close to me and whispers, "I didn't like her as much as I liked his last girlfriend anyway," I nod. "Me too. Same with Liam and Louis," I tell her. She nods and the four of us climb into the Horan's car.

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