Chapter 14

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Several months later...

My doorbell rings at six, and I hurry downstairs to answer it. Louis stands there with flowers. "It's our six month anniversary today," he says as he kisses me. "Thank you. They're beautiful," I say. I take them from his hands and look around the kitchen for a vase to put them in. After the gorgeous daisies and lilies (my favorite flowers) have been put in a vase, Louis and I head out. He takes me back to the amusement park we went to on our first date, which seems like ages ago. "What ride should we go on first?" He asks. "What about that big roller coaster we went on last time?" I suggest. He nods. "It's over here." He takes my hand and leads me to the giant roller coaster. Louis rented the whole amusement park out, just like the first time. We get on the roller coaster and sit in the front row. Louis suggests we go on the Pendulum next, and I agree. After the Pendulum, we go on the Tiltawhirl, then the Bumper Cars. "We should go to the Fun House next," Louis says. I groan as Louis puts his arm around me. "Please?" He asks. "Ugh, fine," I respond. He kisses me and keeps his arm around my shoulder as we walk towards the Fun House. "There's nothing fun about this house," I groan again. "At least you know what's going to happen this time," he says. We make it through the first room- the mirror room, without smacking our heads against any mirrors. The second and third rooms are fine, except for the tunnel. The fourth room is a little creepy, but it's not as bad as the fifth. The fifth room is the jungle room. The gorilla scares me the most in this whole house. "Bend down and crawl past it," Louis suggests. I crawl past it first, Louis behind me. After I pass it, I stand up and wait for Louis. I'm not facing his direction, and I can't see anything in the dark. He suddenly jumps up, right in front of the gorilla. It growls, and I jump. I can hear him laughing hysterically, so I turn around. I can tell Louis is smiling and laughing hysterically. "I'm sorry, I had to," he says, still laughing, as he gives me a hug. "You're a sick boy," I say to him. He kisses me and we walk out of the Fun House. "Let's get ice cream," he says. I nod. We walk over to the nearest ice cream shoppe, where I get a chocolate with brownie and chocolate chip cookie dough on top. Louis gets strawberry with no toppings because he's basic and to scared to try anything new. After we finish our ice cream, Louis asks, "Wanna take a walk on the beach?" I nod. "Sure." He and I walk down towards the beach. "I can't walk on the beach in these shoes, Louis," I say. "Then I'll carry you, love," he says.

Louis POV
When we get close to the end of the boardwalk, I pick Sarah up and carry her towards the ocean. I gently put her down in the sand and she takes her heels off. We walk closer to the water and we put our feet in. I splash her from behind and watch her shiver. She turns around and flips me off. She splashes me back, and soon the both of us are completely drenched. She hobbles out of the water to where she left her shoes and she sits. She lays down in the sand and I lay next to her. "I'll be right back," I say. She nods her head but doesn't sit up. I walk towards my car and get a blanket out of the trunk. I walk back to where Sarah has fallen asleep and I wrap it around her before gently picking her up. "I love you," I whisper, wondering if she heard it.

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