Chapter 6

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The first room is full of mirrors, which Louis and I have to find our way through without getting concussions. I find that hard to do. We do it though, mostly because Louis is leading, I'm sure. The next room is dark and has a moving statue of a fat lady laughing. This room leads into a tunnel that is moving. It's obviously an illusion, but it's a very good one. The next room leads us out to an outdoor area. Louis and I look for a few minutes before we go back inside. "Ugh, I thought we were done," I say to Louis. "Nope," he smiles. He takes me through a room that looks like a mine, and that's the creepiest thing about it. Nothing happens, and I'm okay with that. The next room, is a jungle and there are signs that say, "Beware," or "Turn back now." I grab Louis' arm and even though it's quite dark, I can see him smiling. He leads me past a big cage and a giant gorilla pops up behind it, scaring me. Louis starts laughing. After we're out of the Fun House, (not that I'd call it "Fun" exactly,) Louis asks me, "Do you want something to eat before we go?" I nod my head, "Sure." He takes me to a pizza place and says, "This was my favorite place to eat when I'd come to the boardwalk." I smile at him. "It's really good," I say to him. After we're done eating, Louis leads me to an ice cream shop, where he orders a chocolate in a cone for me, and a strawberry in a cone for him. He lets me try some of his and I say, "It's really good." He tries some of mine and says the same thing. After we've eaten our ice cream, Louis and I walk back to the limo. I look at my phone's time, which says 11:43. Louis and I climb into the limo that now has a projector in it. "We have a few options. We can watch West Side Story, Singing in the Rain, The Godfather, or Casablanca," Louis says, as he sifts through the DVD's. "I think it's between West Side Story and The Godfather." Louis nods. "Let's go with West Side Story," I say. He smiles and puts the DVD in the projector. Louis comes over to where I'm sitting and drapes a blanket over me. He sits by me and I rest my head on his shoulder. After West Side Story is over, Louis puts The Godfather on as we drive home. We park at an ice cream parlor to finish the movie. Louis asks me, "Do you want another ice cream before I take you home?" "I'd love one," I respond. We get out of the limo and walk into the ice cream parlor. I'm surprised it's open so late, it's nearly four in the morning. I get the same thing I did earlier and so does Louis. After we've finished, the limo takes me back to my house. Louis walks me to my front door. He leans in to kiss my cheek and says, "I hope you had fun tonight. I'll see you at the concert tomorrow." I open my door and step inside my house quietly so I won't wake my mother up. I walk up the stairs, take off my shoes, brush my teeth, and go immediately to bed. The next morning I wake up at 10:30 and go downstairs. My mum has coffee made so I pour myself a cup. I take my phone off its charger and check my texts. I have one from Niall and one from Louis. The one from Niall says, "how'd your date with Tommo go? Also are you still coming over today?" I type back, "Yeah, I'm still coming and our date was great, he took me to an amusement park and then we watched a couple movies in the limo :)" Niall responds, "He's been planning this for a while ya know." I open my text from Louis. "Hey, you're coming to the concert tonight right?" He asked me if I was going yesterday, but he probably forgot. "Yeah I'm coming. See you then." I finish my coffee and go back upstairs to change. I throw on a pair of my new shorts and one of my new shirts, grab my purse, and head over to Niall's.

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