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It's Their Faces I see:

And when I'm spiralled on the ground

Looking up with hands that will never touch the clouds

Back cracking to the sound

Of your playlist swallowing the room

It is their faces I see when I look up and come to

It is one then two

Then three and four,

It's all of their smiling faces that extend a hand

And drag me to the door out of the little room in my mind

It is their faces I see when I feel like I'm running out of time

When I feel like I won't get up from that spiral floor

It's their faces I see that make me want to live

Because I adore each and every face

With its story to tell.

And their open fingers to me, their bent knees ready to carry.

I can only hope they see my face as I see theirs.

So this is for them.

The people who stood around my heaving body on that floor

When I couldn't quite get up anymore

And waited and waited until I was pulled to my feet

Guided by their generosity.

It's their faces I see,

When I think of friends that became family.

Thank you.


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