Starlight Like That:
I want to feel the way that that looks
I want to make someone feel the starlight like that
Shimmering in dust, assurance in the unknown that hooks
You by the fingers and takes you for a walk atop night sky, in fact
I want to be the starlight
Because nothing scares me more
Than not using this little existence of mine to define
Feelings that you dare not think about
I want to feel the way that that looks.
I want to skip trace across the dark clouds with no knowing
Of why we're up there other than showing
The world that I am more than just a little spark
I want to be starlight so glimmering that it starts
The glow that only light like that can make
In another persons heart.
Iridescent white light, yellow golden gleam
Frosts over your skin in such a way you think
It's perhaps the first time you've ever goddamn seen
Starlight so beautiful
That lights the night sky even on the worst of nights
I want to make someone feel the starlight like that
Reflect it in the whites of my eyes to make my iris's dance
In the damp grass, navy dark air night glittering with a chance
To hold on to starlight that breaks through the grey clouds
I want to feel the way that that looks
I want to make someone feel the starlight like that
Shimmering in dust, assurance in the unknown that hooks
You by the fingers and takes you for a walk atop night sky, in fact
I want to be the starlight.
I want you to think I'm starlight.

2. A Definitive (Poetry)
PoetryNot just poetry for humanity. Poetry for me too. An array of poetry displayed in raw light. "For what it's worth, even words can explain the complications in ones head if you find the time to discover the right sentences." ~J.K.M.