-Twenty Eight-

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Beach Rain In The Warmth: 

Salt air licks top lip, unaware of the saving it's doing to me 

Waves once so turbulent that become a slow roll continue to be

The saving grace, the end all and be all of me

The smell of the damp warmth with thunder crackling 

Warm rain on a warm afternoon sea 

Salt air on bare skin, encompassing, unaware of the saving it's doing to me 

The place where it all started, the place where I go when something ends 

Green leaves, jagged rocks and gentle breeze

Colours that break sky beyond the horizon in the downpour 

The way the beach changes from orange to pink, to blue and more 

The only place that wraps me up whole,

Pulls my pieces back together when I'm being swallowed

The place I will always run to when the world is going wrong

When I need to break, when I need to be built back up

When I need to laugh, when I need to love

When the tears won't stop drowning me out I lean to the sky above

And let the beach downpour in the warmth,

Wash away at my singlet, bare shoulders and bare feet

I always search to find, people who remind me of the beach 

And I know at this point, if it doesn't feel like that, then we will never reach the epitome of connect

Because I know when love is real, it will feel like 

Beach rain in the warmth. 


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