-Forty Eight-

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Chasing A Kind of Magic

We're all just chasing with bare feet

For a magic we can never keep

In the pools of our hands, aren't we?

We're all just kids grown up too fast

Searching for the hope that clings to the past

Dripping in tendrils of things we've never known

A magic that hides in the undertow

That crawls out when you run through the overgrow 

That curls against your skin in sanctity.

We're all just chasing with bare feet

For a magic we hope desperately to keep

Because to hold on to that kind of magic

That dares slip through the palms of your hands

Is a different kind of magic in itself

Never let the light flicker because you're afraid

Of mirror images of yourself.

Stay chasing that dream, as wild as eyes closed, it can be seen

Stay barefoot in that prairie grass and drink it in

Because soon enough it will be the last

Moment of magic that brushes your skin

And you'll wonder why you ever doubted letting it in. 

I'm always chasing a kind of magic with bare feet

And when I find it, it will be mine to keep. 


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